Apr 18 - 2014

Awards given for the logo of the eastern region of Kosovo

On the 15th of April, 2014, starting from 11:00 am, in the Art Gallery of the city of Gjilan/Gnjilane, the ceremony of awards for the regional logo was held which was organized with the schools of the eastern region of Kosovo. This activity was conducted as part of the project Joint Programme of "EU/CoE support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity (PCDK)", with Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) as the implementing partner for the activities of the eastern region of Kosovo.

Within the project framework, during October 2013, 11 municipalities of the region have
participated in the competition. The purpose was the extensive involvement of pupils from primary schools, specifically from the III-rd , VI-th and IX-th grades in designing a logo motivated by cultural and natural heritage, which will identify and promote the eastern region of Kosovo.

The ceremony was opened by the host, the Mayor of the Municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane, Mr. Lutfi Haziri, followed by the speech of Mrs. Michele Bergdoll from the Council of Europe, also manager of the PCDK project and then followed by Mr. Sali Shoshi, head of Cultural Heritage without Borders, Kosovo office. They also gave the awards to the chosen pupils.

The fourth prize was given to Amir Axhami, 3rd grade pupil of Emin Duraku School, in the Municipality of Kaçanik/Kačanik.
The third price was given to Andina Matoshi, pupil of Abdullah Krashnica School, in the Municipality of Kamenica.
The second price was given to Diellza Fazliu, 9th grade pupil of Asllan Thaçi School, in the Municipality of Kamenica.
The first price was given to Dior Murati, pupil of Thimi Mitko School, in the Municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane.

Despite the awards ceremony, the participants had the chance to attend the photographic exhibition prepared by CHwB that will be opened till the end of the month. This exhibition features a selection of photographs from educational site visits and awareness raising activities in the sites of cultural and natural heritage with the general public including also the marginalized groups of the society and elementary school children of this region, held during 2013.

In the closure of the ceremony, participants had the chance to enjoy the sounds of the performance of students from the Music School of Gjilan/Gnjilane, followed by the traditional food cocktail, prepared by regional non government organisations.







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Apr 18 - 2014

Local cultural traditions of Dragash/Dragaš municipality celebrated

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Apr 28 - 2014

Youngsters of Kaçanik explore the cultural and natural heritage