Sep 01 - 2021




Sali Shoshi, is a Kosovar architect engaged for 20 years in the conservation of cultural heritage in Kosovo,
with a special interest in developing sustainable cultural heritage restoration practices, giving it a new role in
local development in Kosovo. He is present in many local initiatives related to improving legislation and
capacity building in cultural heritage management. Shoshi is present at international projects and events
related to the challenges of preserving cultural heritage in post-conflict and transition contexts. To him,
cultural heritage is strongly linked to identity but above all it is a catalyst that promotes cooperation and
social development.

For Shoshi, history, architecture and cultures combined with the creative industry, create engagement
opportunities for young people, enhancing their well-being and sense of belonging.


Florina Jerliu is a professor in the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”. She teaches courses of art and
architectural history, theory and heritage in the Faculty of Architecture, and Aesthetics of Space in the
Faculty of Fine Arts. She is the author of two books on cultural heritage, a number of scientific papers
published in international and local journals, including the text of the National Strategy for Cultural Heritage
of Kosovo 2017-2027 adopted by the Government of Kosovo. Her specialization and latest commitment
focuses on the integration of cultural heritage in the processes of urban planning and management, through
landscape approach and contextual development.


Dr. Aziliz Vandesande obtained her advanced Master in Science of Conservation of Monuments and Sites in
2012 at the University of Leuven. She assisted in the development of a Risk Assessment methodology in
collaboration with the UNESCO office in Amman (Jordan). In 2017, following 4 years of research on
preventive conservation for built heritage, she obtained her degree of Doctor in Civil Engineering. At present,
Aziliz is the Scientific Coordinator of the H2020 project ILUCIDARE, which focuses on building international
relations through heritage-led innovation in 9 countries in the Middle-East, Sub-Saharan Africa, North-Africa,
South-America and the Balkans. In addition, she has successfully set-up and is involved in several other
international research and development projects. She coordinates the course "Built Heritage
Documentation" at the University of Leuven, presented her results at different international conferences,
and published several articles and edited books on built heritage.


Andrew Shepherd is a conservation architect based in Sheffield, U.K. for over 40 years. He has enjoyed
Instructions involving a substantial range of projects of a dazzling variety for Scheduled Ancient Monuments,
designated heritage buildings and buildings in Conservation Areas. These have ranged from the repair of a
derelict dovecote to works to major industrial buildings, monuments, houses and many others. He has
always worked on a wide range of ecclesiastical buildings undergoing repair or improvement for different
faiths and denominations.
Additionally, he has had extensive experience of dispute resolution, Expert Witness in Building Defects,
Professional Negligence and other construction related disputes having acted as Arbitrator, Adjudicator,
Mediator and Conciliator.

He was involved with post graduate education for Building Conservation at the Architectural Association
School of Architecture in London for 15 years, which has led to ongoing teaching/workshop participation in
Eastern Europe and the Balkans. He is an EU Accredited Heritage Expert involved with heritage training NGOs
in Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania and Romania.


Mrs. Lindita Cervadiku Dibra is an architect with over 3 years of experience in International Relief and
Development in the management of the cultural heritage project cycle, heralded with 10 years of
experience working as a public official in the field of cultural heritage within the Regional Centre for
Cultural Heritage of Prishtina. She currently works as an official for tourism promotion in the Directorate
of Culture / Municipality of Prishtina.


Dr. Lorik Haxhiu is a mining engineer by profession active in field of energy and environment. Important part of his work is assessment of environmental and social impacts of the proposed development projects. Understanding of site conditions requires accurate and up to date information and this is often gathered by deploying various technologies, including drone survey and photogrammetry. During 2020 Covid-19 lockdown he combined his passion for piloting drones and history with tools he uses in his daily practice and was able to create digital twins of various historical and archaeological sites in Kosovo. He is eager to share his experiences with photogrammetry and promote photogrammetry as a tool that can be useful in various fields, including Cultural Heritage.



Fadil Krasniqi is a conservator and restorer with 14 years of work experience. His expertise covers the
restoration of stone and wood, frescoes, paintings, masonry with traditional materials and plastering with
mortar, mud and straw. During his long experience, he led the restoration of various buildings in Kosovo and
Albania. Among the most important restorations in his career are Prizren Castle, Harilaq Castle,
Archaeological Site ULPIANA, conservation and restoration of the Clock Tower in Prishtina, etc. Krasniqi
also participated as a trainer in numerous restoration camps for students in Gjirokastra, Albania.
Since 2003, Fadil Krasniqi continues his work as a conservator and wood restorer at the Museum of Kosovo.


Besfor Axhanela is a conservator / restorer with experience in the restoration and conservation of walls,
stones, frescoes and paintings. After training at the school of restoration Scuola di Alta Formazione peri l
Restauro - ICR in Rome, his experience has traces in many archaeological sites and sites such as the Hadumi
Mosque in Gjakova, the Orthodox Church of St. Savior in Prizren, Conservation and Restoration of Mural
Paintings at the Hysein Kapedanovic Mosque in Gradaçac and many other projects.
Besfort Axhanela continues to work as a conservator and restorer at the Regional Heritage Centre - RHC


Dukagjin Dibra is a restoration sculptor since 2003. Graduated in Sculpture at the Academy of Arts in
Prishtina, Dibra continues his career as a conservator and restorer at IPMK. Among the buildings and
localities where he worked as a conservator and restorer are Harilaq Castle, Archaeological Park "ULPIANA",
Archaeological site of Dresnik and many other projects and continuously shares his experience with students
as a trainer for restoration and conservation. Currently, Dukagjin Dibra continues to work as a restorer and
conservator at the Regional Heritage Centre - RHC Prishtina.

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Dec 03 - 2021