Aug 21 - 2023


We are delighted to announce the Heritage Space VII beneficiaries!

This year’s Heritage Space edition received 40 applications, which were carefully assessed by a professional evaluation committee. We thank each applicant for their project proposals.

This year’s evaluation committee consisted of:

  • Kaltrina Krasniqi - Film Director and Researcher
  • Pirro Rexhepi - Author and PhD in Politics
  • Lira Blakaj -Anthropologist and PhD Student
  • Lulzim Zeqiri - Multidisciplinary Artist
  • Dafina Halili - Journalist and Editor at K2.0

This year’s edition will showcase projects which intertwine cultural heritage with:

  • Archiving Discontinuities
  • Heritage of Crises
  • Storytelling & Interpretation

Find the full list of beneficiaries below:


TIME TRAVELING IN TIME” - An interactive installation that pays tribute to under-preserved cultural and religious artifacts in Kosovo. Inspired by a local tradition at the Artana fortress, the project will use rotating strings of recreated roof tiles to represent both the historical significance of these objects and the risks of neglecting their preservation.


SONIC FOOTPRINTS” - An immersive sound installation at Prishtina's historic Rilindja print house, recreating its vibrant atmosphere from the 70s - 90s. Utilizing soundscapes and oral history, the installation seeks to create a dynamic sensory experience, connecting deeply with the building’s rich heritage, triggering nostalgia and an appreciation of the dedication that once echoed through its halls.


A PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHIVE OF COLLECTIVE NARRATIVES” - A visual documentation of the multifaceted ways in which love shapes response during war by an ontological exploration of the human condition in times of oppression. Unveiling a delicate insight of the 1990-1999 (pre-war and war times) in Kosovo through a compilation of personal photographic archives in a photobook and exhibition; prompting narratives of reflections on the intricate interplay of love and memory preservation as cultural heritage.


SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN…” - A multimedia project that aims to bring a fusion of audio and video in one of the spaces of Tulltorja in Prishtina. The project unravels a fictional tale of a worker navigating paradoxically contrasting spaces. It invites viewers to rethink about the worker trapped in time, waiting for functionality to exist, mirroring the architectural state of Tulltorja and the collective memory around it.


SOCIALIZING THROUGH COFFEE AMONGST WOMEN” - A research project delving into the public-private dichotomy through the lens of women's experiences, focusing on the social fabric within homes and the dynamics of coffee culture as politics of solidarity and socialization. This project explores women's agency, the impacts of forced migration, and the shifts in their communal sense of belonging and supportive structures, thereby providing a nuanced understanding of women's lived experiences.

Heritage Space platform provides an opportunity to work in the preservation of cultural heritage through research, documentation, and interpretation. Through PROFESSIONAL MENTORSHIP and technical support, the platform encourages innovative approaches in addressing cultural heritage, with the aim to initiate meaningful conversations about the past in the present and the future.

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Aug 21 - 2023


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May 28 - 2024

MountainScape: Unveiling Cultural Treasures in the High Peaks of Kosovo and Albania