Jan 16 - 2015

HERITAGE COUNTS – International Conference in Leuven, Belgium

HERITAGE COUNTS - International Conference on the economic, social, environmental and cultural impact of heritage (February 3-6, 2015) Arenberg Castle - Leuven, Belgium.


This event will bring together European policymakers and international researchers involved in cultural heritage. This edition of the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (KU Leuven) yearly Thematic Week grew out of the valorisation actions implemented within the Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe project.

In this conference CHwB Kosovo office will be represented by Enes Toska and Nora Arapi Krasniqi with a case study "Local cultural heritage plans - from exclusive professional valorisation to the comprehensive understanding and use of heritage. Case study of seven municipalities in Kosovo". This study is based on the experiences of Local Cultural Heritage Plans Program in 7 municipalities of Kosovo implemented by CHwB Kosovo and funded by Sweden.

For more detailed information check the conference program.

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Jan 16 - 2015

New year 2015 with new address of CHwB Kosovo

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Jan 20 - 2015

Scholarship re-announcement for Rahovec students