Jan 30 - 2015

Humour tradition in Gjakova presented through Komedia Fest

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From the 6th to 14th of September 2014 in Gjakova, the third edition of comedy festival "Komedia Fest" was held. This time, the festival had risen to an international level, where except the comedy performances from Albanian speaking territories, there was also guest performers from Europe, known artists from Finland such as Adam Darius and Kazimir Kolesnik, children's program and performances from various other artists.

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Unlike the first edition when Komedia Fest held its most activities in the zone of Old Bazaar (Çarshia e Vjetër), this year there was a sense of raising the awareness for other buildings of cultural heritage, with focusing its activities in the Ethnographic Museum of Gjakova. During these days of various performance activities, artists and festival guests together with many art lovers had a chance to interact and discuss many different issues related to the genre of comedy, in a very friendly and pleasant atmosphere. The innovation to this edition was also the animated movies program of the comedy genre, screened on the museum wall surface, making it a true attraction for all the interested and random citizens that had a chance to experience it all free of charge.


Project was implemented by NGO “National Comedy Festival” and is part of the initiative  “Culture Days in Gjakova” held during the year of 2014, financed jointly by CHwB Kosovo, Municipality of Gjakova and other partners. This project has been identified in the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Gjakova drafted in the framework of the program of Local Plans of Cultural Heritage 2012-2015 in seven various municipalities of Kosovo.  


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