May 29 - 2015

Regional Heritage Plan of Kosovo East has been promoted

Regional Heritage Plan of the eastern region of Kosovo was drafted by the Joint Programme of European Union/Council of Europe “Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity". The process has been based on partnership, cooperation and community ownership and in Kosovo East a key partner has been the NGO Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) Kosovo office.

CHwB has provided: 1. Information on the current condition of the selected cultural and natural monuments/sites, 2. Presentation of recognised intangible cultural heritage elements through promotion of pilot actions of Karadaku traditional dances and traditional food of ashura and kaçamak and 3. Photo and video documentation on the reported activities on immovable and intangible cultural heritage and natural heritage.

[caption id="attachment_4542" align="alignnone" width="604"]First albanian school in Kosovo - St. Gjergj church 3 Church of St. George and the museum of first Albanian school in Kosovo, Stublla e Epërme (Municipality of Vitina)[/caption]

The Joint Programme of European Union/Council of Europe “Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity in Kosovo1” (PCDK) which has organised a final conference on 27 and 28 May, aimed at facilitating the development of viable heritage planning and management in Kosovo in accordance with European norms and standards. Cultural heritage is used as a tool for encouraging inter-community dialogue and fostering sustainable economic development for the wellbeing of all communities.

The project was carefully designed to ensure a cross-sectoral and integrated approach between its components and activities. It focused on four major components: capacity development, education and public awareness, local economic development and community well-being, where all the elements came together in innovative pilot actions based on common heritage. In these initiatives, all stakeholders, from grassroots to central level, assumed crucial roles and responsibilities.


1. This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

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