Dec 13 - 2016

Kosovo now has the list of heritage at risk

A forgotten building in poor condition, as the Boxing Club in Prishtina, on 12th of December hosted the launch of "Heritage at risk list". This register, published for the first time in Kosovo contains monuments part of the "List of Cultural Heritage under temporary protection" of MCYS and at risk of losing heritage values, but also a risk for people living in or near them.


Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB Kosovo) in cooperation with EC Ma and financed by Sweden, in 2016 analyzed the physical condition of 870 cultural heritage assets in Kosovo. As a result of this work was created the platform, which is a summary of assets that are at risk. The digital platform is also a new opportunity to inform the public, relevant institutions and stakeholders on the condition of these assets in danger and also intends to include them in its evaluation and preservation through direct proposal of assets they consider that are at risk, regardless of whether they have protection status or not.


The director of CHwB Kosovo, Sali Shoshi, at the beginning of the launch said "In 2016, we have conducted research throughout Kosovo, where around 870 buildings were visited by six teams and vital information was gotten and we plan to show it in stages. We analyses their physical condition, we looked for potential ones for economic development, we analyzed the information from the owners, and also talked to them about their responsibility with responsible institutions, and this information will be shown on the next steps. " He stressed that this list is a commitment and contribution of both civil society organizations and counts of 139 buildings spread throughout Kosovo.

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Alban Morina and Erinë Mulolli, project coordinators, provided detailed information about the methodology used in the research and findings from the field, while Nol Binakaj, deputy director of CHwB Kosovo, spoke about the next steps of this initiative and listed a number of recommendations emerging from this research directed to relevant institutions and community and owners. The full research can be found in our publication "Trashëgimia në rrezik".


The event was followed by a photographic exhibition of Arben Llapashtica and short documentaries produced by CHwB Kosovo that will remain open to the public in the Boxing Club up to December 5th at the following hours: 11:00-14: 00 and 16:00 -18: 00.


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Dec 13 - 2016

CHwB Kosovo joins four local networks of NGOs

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Dec 16 - 2016

CHwB closing the year with membership in two international networks