Apr 25 - 2016
On 22 April 2016 was held a closing conference of the program of Local Cultural Heritage Plan 2012-15. The closing conference presented the methodology, reflections, challenges and joint achievements of all the partners in this great undertaking in the field of cultural heritage in Kosovo.
Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) office in Kosovo, during the period 2012-15 has implemented the program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans in seven municipalities of Kosovo: Dragash, Gjakova, Gjilan, Kaçanik, Partesh, Rahovec and Vushtrri. This program has been developed thanks to the Swedish state funding and close partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCYS), the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) and other strategic partners.
OPENING SPEECHES: Sali Shoshi, executive director of CHwB in Kosovo; Vjollca Aliu, director of the Department of Heritage from MCYS; Annika Magnusson, general secretary of CHwB; Mirnije Stublla, program officer from the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina
PRESENTATION "The Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2012-15": Sali Shoshi, executive director of CHwB Kosovo; Enes Toska, Program Manager in CHwB Kosovo
Under the leadership of Local Forums, established in municipalities and with close cooperation between all partners of the program, have been drafted Local Cultural Heritage Plans for these municipalities. These plans have identified resources of cultural and natural heritage that will serve as a basis for economic and social development of the community. Furthermore, besides drafting plans, this program has implemented over 80 priority projects identified in these plans. The overall presentation of these projects categorised into 4 thematic fields was made by various representatives of the partners of the program.
1. Conservation and restoration of cultural and natural heritage - Nol Binakaj, Deputy Head of Office and Program Manager in CHwB Kosovo
2. Promotion of cultural heritage and tourism - Shukrane Begu, director of the Museum of Vushtrri
3. Cultural and natural heritage education and awareness - Stefan Stojanović from NGO Youth Parteš Activity
4. Research and planning strategy for cultural and natural heritage - Luan Nushi director of the Institute for Spatial Planning / Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning
The conference ended with two keynote lectures of international experts and the Forum "The role of heritage in local development".
KEYNOTE LECTURE "The importance of economic development through heritage" by Christer Gustafsson, Uppsala University and CHwB Board member
KEYNOTE LECTURE "The importance of education and awareness on cultural heritage" Lejla Hadžić, Regional coordinator and executive director of CHwB in Albania
FORUM DISCUSSION "The role of heritage in local development” - Moderator: Sali Shoshi (CHwB Kosovo), Panelists: Mimoza Kusari Lila (Mayor of Municipality of Gjakova), Artnet Haskuka (UN-Habitat Kosovo), Egzona Azemi (tour guide - Vushtrri), Nora Arapi-Krasniqi (Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports), Luan Nushi (Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning), Bujar Haziri (Municipality of Gjilan) and Xhejrane Lokaj (NGO “Women’s Initiative” from Dragash Municipality).