Nov 10 - 2016

ADVENTURE IN DRAGASH promotes this region through national televisions

On Thursday, November 3, 2016 was held the cultural and recreational activity "CHwB - Adventure in Dragash" to promote the natural and cultural beauties of the region of Dragash and projects implemented by our organization in this municipality. The main focus and audience of the activity have been three national televisions, by which is aimed to promote this part of Kosovo in order to attract more visitors.

The activity started in Namazgah in the village Buzez, the fourth site of such typology of remaining in the Balkans, followed by the mill in Bellobrad village and old mill in Sharr village. At these sites, participants had the opportunity through Kosovo CHwB staff to hear about conservation works and emergency interventions carried out in these sites.


The event was closed with the inauguration of the Ethnological Museum of Dragash by representatives of Dragash, the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina and CHwB Kosovo. The mayor of Dragash, Mr. Selim Januzi had a speech and thanked all the project partners.

This museum, the first of its kind in Dragash, includes traditions of all communities living in the municipality: Albanian, Bosniak and Gorani. The exhibition in the museum is divided into five sections: 1. Loom, 2. Traditional Clothing, 3. Economy, 4. Domestic life and 5. Music, containing around 100 artefacts donated thanks to the community in this process.


The projects presented during the activity were part of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of this municipality. This plan was drafted by CHwB, Dragash Municipality and other central institutions in the framework of the program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans (2012-2015) and is co-financed by the Swedish government, through CHwB and the municipality of Dragash.

For more information, follow the media coverage published below (in Albanian):

Photo credits: The embassy of Sweden in Prishtina

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Nov 10 - 2016

Access to the Castle of Prizren

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Nov 15 - 2016

Prizren Fortress project at FORTMED 2016 Conference in Florence, Italy