Apr 06 - 2012

Grants 2012

If  you are an NGO with new and creative ideas in encouraging and promoting community participation in preservation of cultural heritage in Kosovo, then please send a Draft project to Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB)

Download application: Grant_Concept_Paper_Form_12.doc Number of downloads:

CHwB, within the framework of its programme in Kosovo and funded by Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), is interested in cooperation with local NGOs for implementation of small projects targeted to support local communities in active safeguarding of cultural heritage. Moreover, CHwB’s support aims at encouraging activities for the participation of community in the preservation and regard for cultural and environmental values.

Activities supported:
1.Voluntary activities in cleaning and maintaining places of cultural significance: monuments, ensembles, archaeological sites
2.Activities for raising awareness and promotion of active community participation in safeguarding of cultural heritage (tours, sports and cultural events, theater performances, traditional dances, cultural events, promotion of spiritual heritage, exhibitions)
3.Activities for the promotion of cultural heritage in view of cultural tourism (marking of the places of importance, maps, tourist guide)

For activity 1 required is the prior consent of institutions responsible for cultural heritage.

The budget must be planned in order that salary and wage disbursements shall not exceed 20% of the total budget. The rest of the budget is allowed for the acquisition of consumables, logistics, transportation and promotional material.

CHwB, for the year 2012, is allocating 3-6 grants to nongovernmental organizations. The maximum amount for a project is 5.000 Euros.

The application deadline 6 – 27 April 2012, directly at email: [email protected].
Announcement of beneficiaries: May 3, 2012

Application form available for download in the web page: chwb.org/kosovo

Do not forget the inclusion of marginalized groups in the project

Inclusion of marginalized groups in the project is necessary

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Apr 06 - 2012

“Conservation Design and Reuse of Built Heritage” Camp, Vushtrri

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Apr 13 - 2012

New knowledge and skills for high standards in tourism