Sep 20 - 2014

Municipality of Rahovec marked the Grape Harvest Feast

On 7 September 2014, the traditional Grape Harvest Feast in Rahovec, gathered farmers, grape farmers, wine-growers, different agricultural producers, and also present were many government representatives and those from international offices in Kosovo. The celebration was also attended by mayors of neighbouring municipalities of Rahovec.

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Mayor Mr. Idriz Vehapi, in his welcoming speech at the celebration said that September is a month of harvesting sweet fruits of our land. This feast is among our efforts to promote the production of grapes and wine, and cultural tourism, it has turned into a source of income for residents of this area and economy of Kosovo. It expresses our values ​​which refers to a centuries-old legacy. There are a whole generations of wine-growers that have preserved and continue to cultivate this tradition. Viniculture was their life companion. Viniculture talks about the culture and civilization of the population of this area. Today, we symbolically start the season of grape harvesting, praising the efforts and contributions of the hardworking people of this area. This is also an opportunity for our wine-growers to promote grape and wine production, to make it competitive in the countries of the region and the world. There are thousands of hectares of vineyards that demonstrate the potential of our municipality, adding vineyard surfaces year after year. We should also thank the support and government subsidies, which have consistently supported this sector. This has made the winery and vineyard sector to recognize impetus developments, while our hardworking wine-growers have received awards and positive reviews in international fairs and competitions. We should turn our attention more to this region, in order to make this country unique in the cultivation of grapes and wine, representing part of our identity, claimed among others, Mayor Vehapi.

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Mr. Nevzat Haxhijaha, chairman of the wine-growers’ association "Enologjia", highlighted the great work being done to increase the quality and quantity of wine. Among other things he said that the ancient culture of the vine cultivation is being followed very carefully by residents of Rahovec. In various fairs held abroad Kosovo, we have achieved enviable results and received highest evaluation for our wine. Further development of this sector will affect on the alleviation of unemployment and economic growth of the Republic of Kosovo. In the end, he urged the citizens on consumption of local products, as much as possible, because in this way we are able to help each other.

The event continued with launching ceremony of grape harvesting campaign in the vineyards of "StoneCastle" company, wherein Mayor Vehapi cut first bunches of grapes, wishing a prosperous harvesting to the wine-growers.

Activities carried on with the competition of grape crushing, a competition for selection of the  vineyards beauty queen, whilst in the evening at the Cultural Centre "Mensur Zyberaj", theatre group "Passion" from Tirana performed the comedy "A man with two wives". The Grape Harvest Feast was closed with a festive program and performances of music groups and artists from the municipality of Rahovec. In the meantime, on the premises of the "Park" hotel the international activity event "Artists Colony - arts and grapes" took place. This activity was open until 10th of September.

This project was one of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Rahovec. This plan is part of program for Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2012-2015 drafted by CHwB, Municipality of Rahovec and other central level institutions. For further information on this program click here.

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