Sep 12 - 2014
The works on projects of emergency intervention program continue in 50 buildings of cultural heritage in Kosovo. One of the intervened monument buildings is also the kulla house of Nuhi Brava in village Pustenik of Hani i Elezit municipality. This monument is part of the List of cultural heritage for temporary protection drafted by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo.
This kulla is a residential building built in the XIX century and has served for housing for a long time. Due to the age of the building, improper maintenance and given that it has been uninhabited for a long time, this monument was in a miserable condition and degraded day by day and continuing to be under the threat of various factors.
Kulla is an example of oriental architecture and supposedly belonged to a wealthy category of society. These types of buildings present a reflection of a certain period of history that demonstrated ways of organizing the socio-cultural and educational life of our society. Concentration of houses/kullas throughout the village illustrates best this fact.
Intervention works in this kulla have started in December 2013, whilst the second and final phase were undertaken during March and April 2014.
During the interventions, reconstruction of the roof was made, as humidity decayed entire construction. During this process old tiles have been kept, and those that have been damaged were replaced with new ones. At the final stage, the isolation of the roof was made.
Another position was the setting of gutters around the house, which had not been in the perimeter of the roof previously. Also coating of the chimney was carried out.
As the kulla is located in a steep terrain, and its western facade as a result of the pressure of the earth has collapsed, the intervention on this part was carried also by reconstructing it with the same stones. In addition, the hamamxhik which has been damaged, had been processed by the knitted wood twigs. The entire perimeter of the kulla from the outside is plastered with mud plaster and is painted with lime milk.
This project is part of the program of emergency interventions carried out in 50 buildings of cultural heritage in Kosovo. The programme is implemented by CHwB Kosovo and it is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo and CHwB through the funds of Swedish state. For more information about this programme click here.
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