Mar 30 - 2017

“Heritage Space is an inspiration…”


In July last year, was launched the first experimental platform Heritage Space. In the first edition, the young creators had the opportunity to contribute to cultural heritage through the creative industry. The Platform aims to break some barriers and restrictions in the involvement of people in cultural heritage. Traditionally, cultural heritage is seen as the exclusive work of experts, but today it is perceived beyond its dimension 'for old buildings’. It represents the way of life and must be closely related to our daily habits. Six beneficiaries of the platform researched, tested and developed their ideas by having the opportunity to implement them.Screen Shot 2017-03-30 at 10.00.45 AM

Anyla Berisha is the first beneficiary of this platform – the author of the project "Haptic Space". Anyla, along with the well-known musician Visar Kuci managed to interpret not only the history but also the spatial content of the Ethnological Museum of Prishtina, using sound as a primary medium. At the request of the director of the museum, this installation is part of the Ethnological Museum of Prishtina. Beyond historical texts and narrative storytelling of the guide, since November last year, visitors have the opportunity to experience the building and its history through sounds, voices, traditional music, etc.

After the launch of "Haptic Space" project, seeing that the experience of the Ethnological Museum on 360-degree view would be an added value to this installation, Petrit Ibrahimi was another beneficiary of Heritage Space. Petrit has applied with the idea of virtual reality or 360-degree view of historic buildings. Besides 360 ° views, during the virtual reality, will be provided information about the museum's chambers function, exhibits and other information, all these followed by the sound of "Haptic Space". Very soon the product will be delivered to the Museum and will be accessible to the public.

Mendim Avdyli has applied with the idea to create an online platform where citizens have the opportunity to report on historic buildings at risk. In parallel, Kosovo Foundation Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB Kosovo) in cooperation with the organization EC Ma Ndryshe, analyzed the physical condition of 870 cultural heritage assets in Kosovo. As a result of this research was created the digital platform, which contains the list of cultural heritage assets at risk – Lista e Trashëgimise në Rrezik.

Barış Karamuço seeing that many stories in his hometown - Prizren, only remain in the memory of the elderly, and when they are no longer, the memories will be vanished, decided to apply to Heritage Space with the project "Memory Bank".

The aim of the "Memory Bank" project is to collect and record  the collective memory of Prizren city. In order to understand which was the first coffee shop, first DJ and first Disco in this city, please follow these two videos.

Arben Llapashtica has applied in Heritage Space with the idea to design a cultural heritage catalog. This idea, according to him, is one of the attempts to turn the attention of public and highlight the potential of some cultural and natural heritage sites through photos. This catalog will soon be available for the public.

The call for the next edition of the Heritage Space Platform will be soon announced.

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Mar 30 - 2017

Cultural Heritage is vanishing everyday

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Apr 03 - 2017

Mentors of the second edition of Heritage Space