Mar 20 - 2016

Vushtrri is provided with cultural heritage signage

The city of Vushtrri, as one of the oldest in Kosovo, has significant cultural heritage assets that represent different periods of life in this municipality. Some of these monuments have been restored and are being used for cultural and multifunctional purposes, waiting for their visitors. Marking these monuments poses problem and is conceived as a practical need for an easier orientation and access to these sites.

Although the Law on Cultural Heritage (Law 02/ L-88, Article 6.10) requires that "architectural heritage under protection is clearly marked with a visible sign", competent institutions have not set specific standards and regulations governing this issue. The issue of lacking the signage was also demonstrated with a symbolic action held during the Tour de Culture 2015.

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As a result of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Vushtrri, during the second half of 2015 the CHwB office in Kosovo has started the research and design project of signing six landmark monuments of this municipality: the castle of the city, the city hammam, the stone bridge, the house of Mahmut Pashë Gjinolli, the house of Zejnullah Bey (in the village of Balincë) and the Kulla of Azem and Shotë Galica (in the village of Galicë).

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During this project were produced totally 49 signs of which 4 were put in highways, 5 in regional roads, 36 in the urban area (24 for local roads and 12 for pedestrian roads) and 4 information panels for the castle of the city, hammam, stone bridge and the Kulla of Azem and Shotë Galica. The project is elaborated according to different regional regulations and in consultation and permission from the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport.

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This project was part of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of this municipality. This plan was drafted by CHwB, the Municipality of Vushtrri and other central institutions in the framework of the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans (2012-2015) and is co-financed by the Swedish government, through CHwB and the Municipality of Vushtrri.

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Mar 20 - 2016

One of the four Namazgah’s left in the Balkans is conserved

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Mar 30 - 2016

Three CHwB projects featured in HERITAGE COUNTS publication