Dec 17 - 2012

Workshops with seven municipalities have started!



The second meeting of Local Cultural Heritage Forums (LCHF) were organized for Gjakovë/Djakovica and Rahovec/Orahovac municipalities from 3 to 8 December, structured as four-day workshops. Workshops are one of the most important activities of the “Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2012-2015” programme, where the prioritized projects of this programme will be pinpointed with the inputs of each member of the Forum of respective municipalities.

Following the signature of a ten-lateral Memorandum between central institutions and the municipalities involved in the “Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2012-2015” programme, after the initial meetings of LCHFs (October 2012) and the study visit in the United Kingdom (November 2012); the workshops are deemed as an apt platform in giving voice to the interests and proposals of the participants of the Forums on the safeguard and promotion of cultural heritage in these municipalities.

Four-day workshop for each municipality was conceived in two phases: theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the workshop began with a play arranged as a puzzle, during which the participants, through entertainment and competition, “rediscovered” the cultural and natural heritage assets of Kosovo. The first two days have foreseen different presentations from the members of the Forum and the representatives of MCYS, MESP and CHwB.

The study on the existing state of municipal cultural heritage was introduced by the local coordinator of CHwB. Subsequently, all forum participants conducted and presented the analysis through following methods: SWOT – general analysis, SWOT – strategic analysis and PESTEL analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal analysis). Once the presentations have ended, fruitful debate and discussions took place.

Another interesting presentation was the one from the study visit to the UK, a visit that took place from 8 to 15 November 2012. In this presentation, the participant of this study visit shared his/her impressions and experiences with other members of the Forum.


At the end of the theoretical part, the participants, divided into three groups, set out the objectives, projects and activities necessary for the improvement of cultural heritage situation in the municipality concerned.

The list of priorities and their budgeting will be wrapped up at the third meeting of the Forum that will be held during the first quarter of 2013.

The most dynamic and attractive part of the workshop was the practical part, in which members of both forums attended a short joint study visit in Shkodër (Albania).

Participants, on top of exchanging experiences of both forums, had the opportunity to visit some of the city’s cultural heritage locations, as: bed & breakfast inn “Tradita Geg e Toskë”, city history museum, distinctive traditional street “Kol Idromeno”, the city’s symbol – Rozafa Fortress along with fortress’ museum and the Mesi Bridge of the eponymous village near Shkodër.



At the end of each workshop the participants voiced their opinions on the four-day workshop and assessed the work process.
All expenses were covered from the CHwB (by Swedish state funds).

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Dec 17 - 2012

CHwB at "Culture Matters 2012"

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Jan 22 - 2013

US Ambassador Jacobson and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Mr. Krasniqi visited Vushtrri castle and Vushtrri Hamam