Feb 08 - 2021

The impact of creative industries on the economic development of Western Kosovo Municipalities

This publication is available only in Albanian language.

DOWNLOAD: Ndikimi i industrive kreative në zhvillimin ekonomik të Komunave Perëndimore të Kosovës - ALBANIAN language

The report aims to measure the contribution of creative industries in regional economic development in the six municipalities of Western Kosovo (Deçan, Gjakova, Istog, Junik, Klina, Peja). It focuses on the contribution of businesses operating in the creative industries in these municipalities while also analyzing the support of the municipality and the contribution of non-governmental organizations that provide activities for this sector.

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Feb 08 - 2021

100 things to do in Dukagjin

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Feb 08 - 2021

Municipal Budget Analysis of the Culture sector in the West Region in Kosovo (2018-2021)