Cultural Territorial System (CTS)

Mar 10 - 2015

Culture, historic buildings and environments are widely acknowledged today as important factors for sustainable development of a region. The relationship between culture, creativity and innovation and the role of culture in the economy as a whole is not sufficiently studied in Kosovo and consequently culture is not mainstreamed in development policies.

A study was initiated by CHwB Kosovo and conducted in cooperation with Semeion Research Institute, IULM University and Uppsala University, by means of the Cultural Territorial System as an innovative approach on the basis of sophisticated Artificial Neural Network systems.  It analyses the impact of culture and cultural heritage for regional development in six (6) municipalities in the West of Kosovo (Deçan/Decane, Gjakove/Djakovica, Istog/Istok, Junik, Klina/Klina and Peja/Pec). One of the noticeable conclusions is that Western Kosovo does not fully benefit from the power of cultural activities, meaning that the fields of creative power are not optimally utilized to stimulate innovation-driven economic growth. Further work was recommended in order to reach the desired culture-based local development model, starting from the creation of a fuller picture of the current state of culture and economy in the region.

Following the suggestions of the guiding report, work commenced in analysing the economical and budgetary aspects of the targeted municipalities.

Additionally, a comprehensive study was undertaken in order to measure the contribution of the Creative Industries in the overall economy of the targeted municipalities in the West region. The study took into account the contribution of businesses operating in the fields of Creative Industries, the contribution of the CSOs and the support of the municipalities for the sector.

The fuller image drawn from the role of culture in the economy of the West region, paves the way for establishing a sustainable regional cooperation platform while outlining all-inclusive strategic prioritization in culture and implementing foreseen activities with having smart means to monitor the progress.


Municipalities in the West of Kosovo (Deçan/Decane, Gjakove/Djakovica, Istog/Istok, Junik, Klina/Klina and Peja/Pec)

Financed by:

Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)