Heritage Space IV

In ‘Rilindja / Rilindja Archive / Ervina Halili

Jul 30 - 2020

“Rilindja Archive” is a project by Ervina Halili who digitally archived material from the period when Rilindja was still functioning. Part of the project is also the documentary “In ‘Rilindja” showing personal experiences of ex-employees of Rilindja.

This archive is not the official archive of the Rilindja Social Enterprise. The archive of this enterprise with all its once functional chains has not been inherited to this day. This material has been carefully collected amidst the ashes and dust of everything that was considered useless, thus lost by “Rilindja”, but once produced by its journalists, writers, editors and photographers.

As part of the launching event of “Rilindja Archive”, besides the screening of the documentary “In ‘Rilindja”, there will be an open discussion regarding:

  • Rilindja Social Enterprise, its functioning in the past, its former archive, library and publishing policies;
  • The history of its shutting, the loss of materials and documentation of a historical period covered by the press in Kosovo;
  • Archivists and museology in relation to human rights, with a particular focus on the post-war context in Kosovo, and the current confrontation with a gap regarding the collection and preservation of cultural products and documentations of the past.

‘In ‘Rilindja’ Documentary 

Nazmi Rrahmani (Writer, Executive Director of the Publishing Editorial Office 1941) and Musa Ramadani (Writer, culture editor of Rilindje 1943) go through their ‘Rilindja’ memories and the literary works they have created and published during that period.


Mr. Sokol Çunga – Archive Specialist from the General Directorate of Archives, Tirana

Mrs. Ervina Halili – Writer and researcher

Mr. Nazmi Rrahmani – Writer, publisher, former director of the Rilindja Editorial Office.

Mrs. Sibel Halimi – Sociologist, gender equality activist (panel moderator)

This project has been realized as part of the #HeritageSpace platform which is implemented by CHwB Kosovo. This activity is part of the “Inter-Community Dialogue through inclusive Cultural Heritage Preservation” project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Kosovo) and financed by the European Union Kosovo Instrument for Peace and Stability (IcSP / EU) and the Swedish Government.

Project News


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