Heritage Space IV

“On the Pathways of Prizren’s silversmiths” / documentary series- interviews / Rina Geci.

Jul 30 - 2020

This documentary brings six video-portraits of filigree masters from Prizren, and through oral history and the usage of photographs, documents and video material from personal archives, follows the pathways of the protagonist silversmiths in their profession.The realization of this project is a segment of bigger ethnographic research regarding silversmithing/ filigree-making in Prizren during the last 100 years.

Silversmiths speak in a more detailed way about these topics:

  1. Lorenc Vucaj- A Story about Family Tradition and “Kujunxhillek” in Prizren
  2. Lon Seb Bytyqi- Work in the “Filigree” enterprise
  3. Sadije Turtulla- A story about the Filigree School
  4. Viktor Lekaj- Filigree as a family business
  5. Rafael Koci- The Silversmiths Feast “Piri i kujunxhive”
  6. Lazer Rrok Lumezi- From traditional filigree to modern art

This project has been realized as part of the #HeritageSpace platform which is implemented by CHwB Kosovo. This activity is part of the “Inter-Community Dialogue through inclusive Cultural Heritage Preservation” project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Kosovo) and financed by the European Union Kosovo Instrument for Peace and Stability (IcSP / EU) and the Swedish Government.

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