Tour de Culture

May 08 - 2014

Tour de Culture is the only cultural non-competitive cycling and recreational activity in Kosovo OPEN TO ALL, professionals and amateurs, the young and the old, men and women.

Tour de Culture is an annual project organized for the first time in 2008. It was initiated, organized and financed jointly by Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) and UN-HABITAT Kosovo offices, both funded by Sweden, aiming at promotion of natural and cultural heritage, non-motorized transport and environmental protection. Since 2014, the project is led only by CHwB Kosovo office and for many years now, the popularity of this project has attracted support of various donors, partners and general public.

This unique activity consists of synergies arising from principles of the European Heritage Days and European Mobility Week celebrated all over Europe during September.


1. Promotion of our common natural and cultural heritage

> protection of cultural heritage and cultural diversity at all levels of society

> promotion of cultural heritage as a tool of coexistence and dialogue between communities

> discovering potentials for the development of sustainable cultural tourism

2. Promotion of non-motorized transport for more efficient mobility for all

> awareness among citizens and decision makers about the importance of safer roads and non-motorized transport itineraries

> promotion of healthier lifestyle and safer roads for non-motorized transport users

> strengthening participation of women, youth, the elderly, children and people with disabilities

3. Promotion of environmental protection

> putting the rights of people and nature over the rights of polluters

> prevent degradation of land, water, vegetation and air

> promotion of joint global movement to a safer climate future and ensure sustainable use of resources without degrading the environment

So, grab your bike, or just rent one, and join us in the upcoming event. Participation conditions and more information about previous events can be found at the next section on this page “Quick Facts of the project”. Additionally, stay tuned to the news in our web or Facebook pages CHwB Kosova and Tour de Culture Kosovo.