Jun 25 - 2015

Apply now for the Prizren Castle interpretation camp!

CHwB is offering the first ever Regional Restoration Camp that is focused entirely on interpretation of heritage. The 25th Regional Restoration Camp will be held in Prizren, Kosovo from 3-17 October 2015.

[caption id="attachment_4740" align="alignnone" width="604"]Kaljaja_Prizren "Kaljaja Prizren" by Mladifilozof - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons[/caption]

Until now, the model of the Regional Restoration Camps, winner of the prestigious EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award, has focused primarily on the conservation of buildings and museum objects. While interpretation was a lecture topic for each previous camp, this camp in Prizren will be the first interpretation camp — focused totally on interpretation of cultural heritage — exploring how to reach people with heritage and make it relevant for them.

For more information and application redirect to CHwB Albania page.

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Municipality of Parteš is supported by traditional costumes

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Jul 13 - 2015

Vushtrri municipality this year with tour guides & guidebook