Aug 28 - 2019


We invite all interested students of the field of architecture, graphic design cultural heritage, sociology, archival studies and other related fields to apply for the “Heritage Lab” Workshop

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HERITAGE LAB is an educational project organized by CHwB Kosovo aiming to create new opportunities for students of different fields to learn about methods of documentation, preservation, revival and interpretation of cultural heritage through “hands on” practical work and complementary lectures. HERITAGE LAB is an activity developed “in situ”, so that the problems of a heritage site are surveyed directly and the solutions for its treatment, interpretation and management are given at the same time.

For 12 days, students will be able to build their knowledge in cultural heritage field by drafting the adaptive reuse plan of the cinema “Jusuf Gërvalla” in Pejë/Peć as well as practicing their “hands on” experience by executing a part of the plan in situ. Moreover, they will digitalize and interpret the archival content of the cinema.

Students will have the opportunity to learn about the revival of cultural heritage sites as well as interpretation for the wider audience throughout lectures conducted by international and national renowned professors and experts as well as practical work coordinated by experienced craftsmen.

“Heritage Lab” will be held from 15- 26 September 2019 in Pejë/Peć.

 This is a fourth, in a series of five, workshop that is part of the project “Inter-community Dialogue through Inclusive Cultural Heritage Preservation” project implemented by UNDP Kosovo and financed by the European Union’s Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).



Illustrated by: Marek Náprstek

Founded in 1955 and still functioning today, Jusuf Gërvalla is the only cinema in the city of Pejë/Peć. Named after Jusuf Gërvalla, a famous Albanian patriot and artist, it was founded by the union council of the district of Pejë/Peć and was built voluntarily by its workers. Located about 400 m from the main square, the building has a significant historic importance for the city. This cinema was the first one to put in use the 35 mm film projection technology and to this day the original projection machine is preserved together with the accompanying documentation archive. As a space, the cinema is still a referent point on the cultural scene. Jusuf Gërvalla cinema is an example of artistic, cinematographic and theatrical heritage of the city, which has had a significant impact on shaping community’s cultural identity.

Volunteers needed

 Are you a former participant? You can still attend other Heritage Lab Workshops

Considering the variety of themes that we are offering, we would like to give former participants the chance to attend a workshop with a new theme. (For example, if you attended the conservation workshop, you can submit your application for the interpretation of heritage sites workshop.)

A note for past Workshop Participants: How would you like to experience the Workshops again from the perspective of an organizer?

What are the duties of a Workshop Volunteer?

Volunteers will receive instructions related to their responsibilities during the workshop. They may be asked to assist with the following areas:

  • Organizational tasks (responsibility over the registration, lecture room, tools)
  • Responsibility over the working sites (assisting the craftsmen, documenting the site activities, implementing safety measures, making sure everyone is working towards the final result)
  • Communication (being the bridge between organizers and participants, translations, facilitating discussions, communicating with local community and media)

How to apply?

If you are a first time participant download this APPLICATION FORM.

If you are applying as a volunteer download the form above and state that you are applying as a volunteer in your subject.

Applicants are required to have good communication skills in English, since this will be the official language of the workshop.

Please complete this form and submit it no later than September 7, 2019, via email: gro.bwhc@ovosok When submitting the application via email, please write in the subject line “Application for Heritage Lab 2019 ADAPTIVE REUSE AND CONTENT DIGITALIZATION JUSUF GËRVALA CINEMA” (Name Surname)”.

For any additional information needed regarding the workshop, please contact us at Phone, +383 49 54 54 55, +381 (0)38 754 866, email: gro.bwhc@ovosok


 CHwB Kosovo will cover all in-country costs for participants and volunteers, including accommodation, meal allowances, excursions, workshop materials and travel within the country.

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Aug 28 - 2019


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Aug 29 - 2019