Sep 06 - 2017

Call for Application – “Adaptive Reuse” workshop

The Adaptive Reuse Workshop aims to gather professionals, students and the community to analyse the challenges of adaptive reuse in the local context. In the Kulla of Isuf Mazrekaj, in Drenoc, for 12 days, during 25 September – 7 October 2017 this group will work on the functionalization of this structure as a guesthouse in the context of cultural tourism. The group will focus on: interventions for improving the environmental performance of the Kulla, including the adaptation of the interior and the yard of the Kulla, food preparation according to the slowfood concept and storytelling.

We invite professionals and students from the fields of architecture/civil engineering, multimedia, film/video directing, design, history, tourism, gastronomy, ecology, agronomy etc., to be part of this workshop, the first of this kind in Kosovo.


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Sep 06 - 2017

The first representation of Kosovo in ICOMOS

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Sep 06 - 2017

Workshop “Adaptive Reuse” – Concept & mentorship