Oct 17 - 2014

Celebration of traditional food held in Ferizaj

On Friday, October 10, 2014, at 11:00, Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) Kosovo office has organized a pilot activity on intangible heritage in Ferizaj as part of the Joint Project of European Union / Council of Europe “Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity” (PCDK).


The delicious  part of the pilot activity “TASTE & DANCE Intangible Heritage of the East Region” was held at Nika’s mill in Ferizaj. This mill, besides being a protected cultural heritage immovable monument, combines also with a rare natural heritage asset, that of Nerodime river bifurcation, a rare hydrological curiosity as separate streams of which flow into both Aegean and the Black Sea.

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PCDK’s Project coordinator in the office of the Council of Europe, Mrs. Merita Limani, the Head of CHwB office in Kosovo, Mr. Sali Shoshi and director of the Department of Culture in the Municipality of Ferizaj, Mr. Enver Haliti, held an opening and welcoming speech. All in one accord emphasized the importance of celebrating this intangible heritage activity for the community of the eastern region of Kosovo. This intangible is deemed as a vital part that has kept the traditions alive and, concurrently, enriching the mosaic of the immovable and natural cultural heritage of this municipality.


More than 80 participants, apart from watching the process of preparing traditional food by the community, also had the chance to interactively partake in this process. Part of the preparing was kaçamak (maize grits) and ashure (grain-mixed pudding), as well as other foods characteristic of this region and Kosovo were in disposal to the public for tasting. In order to be a sound basis of cultural tourism, part of the food was purchased from the participants present. In this way they supported the work of this community by taking favourite dishes to their families and friends.

Participants also had the opportunity to buy various handicraft works made by skilful artisans of this region. For the good mood of all, the Songs and Dances Ensemble “Kastriotët” performed the Kaçaku traditional dance, another value of intangible heritage of this region, followed with other traditional dances.

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In the following months, this activity from the PCDK project shall be developed into a short documentary, in order to be shared with the wider public outside Ferizaj. This documentary in to a separate DVD can be then obtained through CHwB Kosovo office.

As part of the PCDK project, during October 2014, CHwB Kosovo office will organize another pilot activity on intangible heritage, and that in the Municipality of Gjilan. These activities have been designed and developed in close collaboration with regional working groups (RWG) involved in the project and with the team of PCDK in Prishtina.

For complete photo gallery from the activity in Ferizaj, click here.

For more informationabout the Joint Programme of European Union and Council of Europe “Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity” (PCDK), click here.

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Oct 17 - 2014

TASTE & DANCE Intangible Heritage of the East Region

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Oct 27 - 2014

Ongoing works on three sites of Cultural Emergency Program