Oct 12 - 2012



We are proud to announce that our dear colleague, Architect and project manager, Senat Haliti, has won the Art Prize for Innovation and Creativity on “Street art- Culture for all”, an EU-funded project managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by ARS PROGETTI SpA .

His work, named “EU Pavilion as space for contemplation”, is designed to be occupied, providing a quite space for contemplation with the aim to encourage the building trust between different communities.


This work of art consist of 3 balanced elements: ground, space and structure. Roots and heritage are represented by the carpet painted on the ground while European integration aspiration is represented by the structure itself. Based on “EU Barcode” (AMO 2001), EU members’ flag colors are painted in recycled timber frames forming the “house” shaped space, as the most representative form of the “home”, a shelter for all.


Senat’s EU Pavilion livens up the center of Prizren, where it resides.


Well done Senat!

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Oct 12 - 2012

LIVES center of Prizren!

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Oct 29 - 2012

The engine is on! Local Forums to take the leading role in the Local Cultural Heritage Plans process