Oct 31 - 2015

CHwB contributes to the School of Planning and Urban Development

During 23rd to 25th October 2015 in Shkodra (Albania) was held the second module of the School of Planning and Urban Development on the theme "Cultural Heritage and Urban Planning". During this module were held sessions from Eliza Hoxha and Luan Nushi regarding the inclusion of cultural heritage in the spatial planning in Kosovo. Sali Shoshi (director) and Enes Toska (program manager) from the CHwB office, shared their experiences regarding the treatment of cultural heritage during 14 year experience in this field in Kosovo. Special focus was given to the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans in 7 municipalities in Kosovo.


The School of Planning and Urban Development is jointly organized by EC Ma Ndryshe and Kosovo Foundation for Open Society. The main purpose of lectures in three modules, as part of this school is to raise the level of knowledge among the participants on the European issues and practices related to urban planning and development, so that they can use the knowledge gained in their working environment and transmit it further. For more information, find attached the informing material (in Albanian language) of this school.


Through a four year program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans, CHwB Kosovo office has adopted a new approach for the protection and promotion of cultural and natural heritage. These plans have identified cultural and natural heritage assets to be used for economic and social development of the partner municipalities of Dragash, Gjakova, Gjilan, Kaçanik, Parteš, Rahovec and Vushtrri. The process of developing these plans included wide range of local stakeholders engaged in various meetings, participatory workshops, study visits and public consultations. Besides drafting the plans, this program has created a new standard where a lot of priorities identified in these plans have been implemented in the field.

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Oct 31 - 2015

"Ethno fest Glavičica" revives the cultural life in Parteš

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Nov 10 - 2015

Civil society statement upon failure of Kosovo’s UNESCO membership bid