Jan 02 - 2012

CHwB Kosovo Office celebrates 10th anniversary!

Last Friday, CHwB’s Kosovo office concluded the year by celebrating its 10th anniversary together with partners, friends, funders and colleagues at Che Bistro Bar in Pristina.


Among the 200 guests were participants from CHwB activities including craftsmen and students as well as representatives from various municipalities; the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports; the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning; the Kosovo Council for Cultural Heritage; foreign embassies; the University of Pristina; the European Commission; the Council of Europe; local NGOs and many others.

The Deputy Minister of Culture Mr. Hajdin Abazi praised the work of CHwB in Kosovo and handed out a plaque of acknowledgement of its good work to the office. The deputy minister also presented the Swedish embassy in Kosovo with a similar plaque for the contribution of the embassy in protecting and promoting cultural heritage in Kosovo.

“10 years ago CHwB needed us, and now, after these 10 years we are those who need you,” said Ms. Ingrid Johansson, Chargé d’affaires at the Swedish Embassy in Kosovo who together with Maria Melding, head of Sida in Kosovo also attended the celebrations. She continued saying, “I knew you were good, but not sure you were so good!”

Mr. Sali Shoshi, the head of the CHwB Kosovo office held a speach thanking partner organisations and institutions finishing off by presenting them with small gifts of appreciation of their good collaboration throughout the years.

The festivities were accompanied by traditional tunes of the Prizren quartet Pentagram.



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Jan 02 - 2012

The end of the year brings life into two new publications

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Feb 09 - 2012

Minister of Culture Mr Memli Krasniqi met CHwB Secretary General, Ms Margaret Husen