Oct 20 - 2015

CHwB Kosovo strongly supports Kosovo’s admission to UNESCO

Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) in Kosovo strongly supports the initiative of the Kosovo institutions for admission to UNESCO. We consider that this initiative is of vital importance that the diversity of cultural and natural heritage of Kosovo is preserved and promoted globally. CHwB Kosovo considers cultural heritage as an active force in reconciliation, peace building and social and economic development of the country.

[caption id="attachment_5827" align="alignnone" width="604"]Untitled-1 Photo credit: Arben Llapashtica. "The Goddess on the Throne" - An artefact that was found in the area of Ulpiana, a suburb of capital city, Pristina. It dates back to 3500 BC in the Neolithic Era and is made of clay.[/caption]

Kosovo, the newest country of Europe is independent since February 17, 2008. The declaration of independence was the final act of the painful developments of the late 20th century in the former Yugoslavia that resulted with wars and many victims. Today, Kosovo society is undergoing a period of post-war transition. Housing reconstruction were the first challenges, which were overcome with the help of international community. Economy, employment, education and the development of democracy remain priorities for Kosovo’s society in the years to come.

Kosovo was the crossroad of empires and civilizations since antiquity. Different periods have left their traces through buildings that are a mix of influential styles and local crafts. Besides archaeological sites and ancient cities, churches and monasteries, mosques, bazaars and hammams, in Kosovo there are also cultural values of vernacular buildings, such as traditional kullas and civic houses. The official list of cultural heritage today numbers over 1,500 sites. Besides the built heritage, Kosovo is well known for its intangible heritage, ethnic diversity, religious and linguistic identity of its people. Not infrequently, this diversity was threatened. The people of Kosovo through institutions have already developed the legislation to protect this treasure whereas this journey is also faced with various challenges.

We believe that this treasure is a strong argument that Kosovo becomes part of UNESCO. International experience through networks of professionals within the committees of UNESCO will also create new opportunities for Kosovar professionals. Cultural heritage sites in Kosovo would become more visited and Kosovo through its cultural diversity would represent a new image. Therefore we believe that UNESCO will recognize Kosovo and its cultural heritage will take its deserved place among the world heritage values.

Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) is an independent non-governmental organisation dedicated to rescuing and preserving cultural heritage affected by conflict, neglect or human and natural disaster. Since the establishment of our office in Kosovo in 2001, CHwB has made its contribution to the preservation and promotion of our common heritage.

For more information about the initiative of Kosovo for membership in UNESCO visit http://www.kosovoinunesco.com/

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