Dec 08 - 2016

CHwB Kosovo joins four local networks of NGOs

Kosovo Foundation Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB Kosovo) became an official member of four local networks of NGOs: Network of Independent Arts and Culture Institutions, CiviKos Platform, Network of Independent Organisations of Culture of Kosovo - Cultural Forum and Network of Cultural Organizations in Prizren.


[caption id="attachment_7414" align="alignnone" width="1000"]11059499_802066579878995_7278835352074496502_o One of the press conferences of the RRIPAK network.[/caption]

The Network of Independent Arts and Culture Institutions (RRIPAK) is an organization of independent art and culture institutions, established to create a formal appropriate environment l, legal and operational for the work of independent art and cultural institutions, development of the free social and artistic activity, democratization and reformation of arts and culture policies of central and local government institutions in Kosovo. The network has over 25 members and has its headquarters and secretariat in Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina.

[caption id="attachment_7017" align="alignnone" width="960"]14639625_1093071564143659_7111641777981590902_n During the Board meeting of the CiviKos Platform, 28 October 2016 - Prishtina.[/caption]

CiviKos Platform is a voluntary union of civil society organizations, committed to the development of a favourable environment for cooperation between civil society and public authorities. The initiative to build this shared vision for institutionalized cooperation of civil society sector and government, was formalized in September 2007, with the establishment of CiviKos Platform - an open forum for all civil society organizations in Kosovo, committed to operate in a transparent manner by asking the same thing, by the Government and other sectors. This platform gathers today more than 180 organizations of various profiles.

[caption id="attachment_6990" align="alignnone" width="604"]25_10_2016_5676248_foto During the meeting of the Assembly of members of the Cultural Forum, 25 October 2016 - Prishtina.[/caption]

Cultural Forum is the entity registered as a network of independent cultural organizations as members. As interim secretariat of the Cultural Forum is set to be ODA Theatre until the capacities are built to establish a professional network Secretariat. Cultural Forum of Kosovo is a Network of Independent Cultural Organizations of Kosovo established with the aim of strengthening the independent cultural organizations, the affirmation of the member organizations, the inclusion of member organizations in decision-making processes, increasing the support of the independent scene of culture and supporting the improvement of the position of member organizations towards relevant institutions of Kosovo and abroad. The network numbers 55 members.

[caption id="attachment_6991" align="alignnone" width="604"]13730820_930998253673612_8630339134323328827_o During the meeting of RrOK Prizren, 28 July 2016 - Prizren.[/caption]

Cultural Organizations Network of Prizren (RrOK Przren) is an informal network of cultural organizations in the municipality of Prizren. The mission of this network is development of the local economy in Prizren through enrichment and structuring of tourism offer based on increasing the quality and volume of the cultural activities. The fundamental objectives of the work of the Network in Prizren includes: enriching the cultural life, improving the quality of existing cultural activities, structuring the tourism offer, improvement of cultural policies at the municipal level, decentralized management of culture, diversification on financing of cultural activities and promoting active and responsible citizenship. RrOK Prizren counts over 15 members and Lumbardhi Foundation acting as a secretariat of the network.

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Dec 08 - 2016


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Dec 13 - 2016

Kosovo now has the list of heritage at risk