Jan 18 - 2016

Consolidated kulla of Dukaj in anticipation of visitors

Through the support of the Swiss association for cultural heritage Schweizer Heimatschutz, CHwB office in Kosovo has finished the emergency intervention in the Kulla of Mustafë Dukaj in the village of Dranoc in the Municipality of Deçan. The interventions included the consolidation of the roof and floor slab construction, the creation of access to the building and revitalization of the guest chamber.

dukaj kulla 2 dukaj kulla 1  dukaj kulla 3 dukaj kulla 4

The Kulla of Mustafë Dukaj is a three-story stone Kulla (Vernacular house), typical of the Dukagjini region (western Kosovo). Despite its values, it has no legally protected status. Its structure was threatened due to the damaged roof.


With the initiative of CHwB office in Kosovo and financial support of the Swiss association, this kulla is now consolidated. The last floor, respectively the guests chamber was adapted into its original function, as a place that welcomes visitors. To visit the building, knock on the door of the owner of the house, Mustafa Dukaj.

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Jan 18 - 2016

The heritage knowledge quiz held for the first time in Kosovo

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Jan 20 - 2016

The community of Zatriq with a new space for meeting, learning and praying