Jun 10 - 2014

Two civil society organizations of Vushtrri/Vučitrn mobilize their communities on the awareness for cultural and natural heritage

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Vushtrri/Vučitrn or Vicianum, as known under the old Illyrian name, lies in the northern part of Kosovo. This city, which retains layers dating from the ancient, medieval and modern periods, during its history has played paramount role in view of economic, cultural and civilization terms. Its population has gone through different cultures, as a result of Roman, Ottoman, Slavic and other rules. In different periods of time they bequeathed their own cultural print, evidenced among others with the presence of several monuments located in the city – as the city’s fortress, stone bridge, old hammam (turkish bath), mosques, fountains, traditional houses and cobbled streets.

During the period December 2013 – April 2014, youth organization “Lëvizja Koha” and Women’s Center “Ato” from Vushtrri municipality have jointly implemented the project “Let’s recognize our cultural heritage”.

The main outcome of both organizations’ work is raising awareness and creating access to youth, women and young girls’ community, elderly and persons with special needs for cultural and natural heritage.


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OJQ "Lëvizja Koha" ka organizuar tre vizita edukative prej të cilave njëra është mbajtur në territor të Komunës së Vushtrrisë dhe dy të tjera në qytetin e Pejës dhe Prizrenit. Përfitues të vizitave kanë qenë 148 pjesëmarrës, pjesë e të cilave kanë qenë nxënësit dhe studentët më të dalluar të komunës, profesorët e tyre dhe përfaqësues të departamentit të arsimit nga Komuna e Vushtrrisë. Këto vizita nëpër lokalitete të trashëgimisë kulturore dhe natyrore janë udhëhequr nga ciceronët dhe profesorët përcjellës.

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NGO “Lëvizja Koha” has organized three educational site visits out of which one took place in the territory of Vushtrri municipality and the other two in both Peja and Prizren cities. 148 participants have benefited from these visits, a number of which were distinguished schoolchildren and students of the municipality, their teachers and representatives of the Department of Education of the Municipality of Vushtrri. These visits to cultural and natural heritage sites were accompanied by guides and teachers.

NGO “Women’s Center Ato” has organized educational site visits led by three accompanying guides and which on their agenda have had cultural and natural heritage sites within and outside the territory of the municipality. Beneficiaries of these visits were 115 participants. The first visit included women and young girls’ communities, second visit with elderly community and the third visit included people with special needs.

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Implementing organizations of the project, at the same time are part of the Local Cultural Heritage Forum of Vushtrri. Mayor of Vushtrri Municipality Mr. Bajram Mulaku, at a meeting with members of the Forum in which he congratulated project implementers, underlined for such visits at cultural heritage sites should be organized each year, adding that should consider the possibility of inclusion of such visits in the official school curricula. This would impact not just raising awareness on Vushtrri heritage but that of Kosovo as well. During the meeting, managers from both implementing organizations, Mr. Qëndrim Uka and Mrs. Fikrije Ferizi, have thanked CHwB for their trust and organizational and financial support provided by CHwB during project implementation.

The project “Let's recognize our cultural heritage” was one of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Vushtrri. This priority was identified in the framework of Local Cultural Heritage Plans programme 2012-2015 drawn up by CHwB, Municipality of Vushtrri and other central level institutions. For more information on the programme click here.

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Jun 10 - 2014

Permission granted for restoration of the winery of St. Stefan Church in Velika Hoča/Hoçë e Madhe

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Jun 19 - 2014

Restoration of Vushtrri hammam completed