Oct 28 - 2014

Emergency intervention on Xhafer Deva’s house in Mitrovica

Implementation of works as part of the Emergency Intervention Program in 50 cultural heritage monuments in Kosovo continues. One of the buildings treated under this program is also the house of Xhafer Deva in Mitrovica. According to the List of Cultural Heritage under Temporary Protection of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Kosovo, ‘The Residential House of Xhafer Deva’ is enlisted as a monument of architectural heritage.

EI update Mitrovica homeXhafer Deva’s house, built in the old core of the city, dates from the 19th century. This house belongs to the traditional houses with doksat (cantilevered/protruded porch) and qoshk (covered porch). A distinctive element of the building is that qoshk (enclosed porch) is featured in the center of the northern façade, whereas on the southern façade, the view to the street, a doksat (protruded porch) appears. The southern façade still retains decorative elements of the time.

Although inhabited, due to its age and inadequate maintenance, the house of Xhafer Deva was found in a desolate and degraded state thus dying out day after day from different causes.

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The works in this house began on 11/06/2014 and completed on 12/07/2014. During the interventions reinforcement and affixing of roof construction was done. The deck and waterproofing of the roof structure were constructed and applied in addition to the treatment of the affected area. Traditional roof tiles were preserved, while the damaged ones have been replaced with roof tiles of the same type.

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Other works included also the placement of new gutters and downspouts all around the house, which have been heavily damaged. In addition, chimneys were layered as well.

Çardak (gallery) of the building has been quite damaged. It was reinforced by fixing of an additional reinforcing structure underneath its console. The pillars were set on a metal base fixed in concrete footings.

The façade was highly damaged and, in addition, a large number of bricks were damaged over time, adding to it also the cracks and rifts on the structure. Intervention on the façade was done ​​onto the entire surface starting with the removal of the cement plaster and replacing it with the lime plaster.

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This project is part of the program of emergency interventions carried out in 50 cultural heritage sites in Kosovo. The program is implemented by CHwB Kosovo and it is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo and CHwB through the funds of Swedish state. For more information about this program click here.

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Oct 28 - 2014

Ongoing works on three sites of Cultural Emergency Program

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Nov 03 - 2014

Emergency works in the house of Rekathati family in Prizren