Nov 29 - 2016

On the celebration of the 28th of November was inaugurated the Museum of Gjilan

On the most important Memorial Day of Albanians, on the 28th of November- the day of the national flag, was inaugurated the Museum of the City of Gjilan. In the presence of many guests and citizens, the museum was inaugurated by the Mayor of Gjilan- Lutfi Haziri, the director of CHwB Kosovo- Sali Shoshi, the director of the Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport- Vjollca Aliu and the staff of the Regional Centre for Cultural Heritage in Gjilan.


This institution, the first of its kind in Gjilan, is located in the XVIII century monument, which has changed many functions throughout its history. The building with neoclassical elements was originally a residence and later with the change of authorities it was used as an administrative building (Kajmekamllëk). Towards the end of the XX century, in this building functioned the offices of Municipal People's Defence of the former Yugoslavia. After the last war, for a time this building functioned for the logistics of the Kosovo Liberation Army and the Kosovo Protection Corps, and latter, for the residency of mayor. The Mayor, Lutfi Haziri at the beginning of his mandate, gives the building for the Museum of the City.


The project of adaptation of the building in the museum is implemented by CHwB Kosovo, whereas the preparation of the inaugural exhibition is done in partnership with representatives of the Municipality of Gjilan and the Regional Centre for Cultural Heritage in Gjilan.

Today this museum, collects many artefacts either chance findings or donated by the community. The inaugural exhibition presents more than 100 archaeological and ethnological artefacts, but the museum has still many other artifacts and space for their donation. The archaeological exhibition dates back to the period of Prehistory to the Middle Ages. The ethnological exhibition, on the other hand has everyday domestic tools, crafts tools, the kitchen room, working tools and clothing of men and women of the region of Karadak.

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"We inaugurated the Museum of the City precisely on the 28th of November. This building will collect artifacts and everything connected with the history and heritage of Gjilan and the region. We are an undiscovered archaeological treasure and we must work hard to enlighten our precious history. This November 28 and the Museum of the City and the region, already is preserved by the officials of the regional heritage center. Let’s cherish it! " said Mayor Haziri.

The establishment of the Museum of Gjilan has been part of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of this municipality. This plan was drafted by CHwB, the Municipality of Gjilan and other central level institutions in the framework of the Local Cultural Heritage Plans Program (2012-2015) and is co-financed by the Swedish government, through CHwB and the Municipality of Gjilan.


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