Mar 23 - 2015

Heritage brings together children of two different communities

During December 2013 - September 2014, co-organized by the CHwB Kosovo office and two local NGOs from Dragash "Center" and "Renaissance", the project "Let’s recognize our cultural heritage" was implemented. Within this project, various educational site visits across different cultural heritage sites were organized. The purpose of these visits was the inclusion and recognition of the children of Dragash with cultural heritage values of their municipality and Kosovo in general.


During  the visit in Dragash

Two local partner organizations have arranged eight educational visits, two of which were held in Dragash and six in the city of Prizren, Gjakova and Prishtina. During these visits, children were accompanied by their teachers, parents and staff of the Department of Education of the Municipality of Dragash. The specificity of these visits was that six of them were organized with three schools of the Albanian community, three with the Bosnian community and other two with mixed participants from both communities. Within these visits were organized joint sessions with pupils, who were asked about their impressions of the visited sites.

The beneficiary groups of the project were the pupils of lower secondary schools of the region of Opoja ("Sezai Surroi" school of Bellobrad village, "Ulina" of Kosavë village, "Samidin Emini" from Kuk village and "Ilmi Bahtjari" from Blaq village) and of the region of Gora ("Svetlost" from the village of Krushevë, "Restelica" from Restelicë village, "Zenuni" from Brod village and "9 Maj" from Rapqe village).

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During  the visit in Gjakova, Prishtina and Peja

"I am very happy that I was part of this rare initiative in our municipality, where we visited the cultural heritage monuments of our municipality but also of different cities of Kosovo. The most interesting part of the trip was that in each site we were accompanied by guides and the information we received was not only important for pupils but also for us as teaching staff” said, among other things, the teacher Muharrem Qafleshi.

The project has involved over 250 participants in all visits, where as the main result can be emphasized the acquaintance of Dragash children with cultural and natural heritage sites of their municipality and other cities of Kosovo; raising awareness among children of the municipality; cultural exchange between children of Albanian and Bosnian community and the promotion of heritage through the joint exhibition of pupils, organized at the end of the project.

dragash_pz_03dragash_pz_01  dragash_pz_02dragash_pz_07  dragash_pz_08dragash_pz_05During the visit in Prizren

The project " Let’s recognize our cultural heritage " has been one of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Dragash. The priority was identified in the framework of the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2012-2015drafted by CHwB, the Municipality of Dragash and other central level institutions.

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Mar 23 - 2015

Local heritage in the agenda of the Children Song Festival

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Mar 23 - 2015

The strategy for the regeneration of the Gjakova Bazaar