Sep 19 - 2011

Hop on your bicycle and join Tour de Culture 2011 on September 25th, next Sunday!

Hop on your bicycle and join Tour de Culture 2011 on September 25th, next Sunday!


Tour de Culture is a non-competitive and recreational cycling event in Kosovo, open to all (professionals and amateurs, young and old, men and women).

The START of this years route will be fromNovobërdo/Novo Brdo fortress continuing the journey towards Graçanica/Gračanica and the FINISH will be marked in front of Newborn sculpture in Prishtina/Priština.

For participation conditions, please click on the Leaflet here:TdeC_2011_Leaflet_Final.pdf

For a higher quality version of the poster, please click here:

Tour de Culture is an initiative of Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) and UN-HABITAT’s Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) both funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

This activity is unique in Kosovo, arising from the synergy of principles derived from European Heritage Days (EHD), European Mobility Week (EMW) and the respective framework programmes of CHwB and UN-HABITAT. Tour de Culture ‘08, ‘09, ‘10 took place primarily in the west, south-west and southern parts of Kosovo, including in its route a diverse choice of natural and cultural heritage sites. For the future editions, Tour de Culture is certain to become a modern tradition and extend to other parts of Kosovo.

The overall objective of Tour de Culture is to promote and explore the existing beauties of natural heritage and promote the common and co-existent cultural heritage in Kosovo, valuable as a cultural tourism asset, and explored through a healthier and greener mode of transport, which will play an important role in the creation of a new culture for urban mobility in Kosovo.

Communities, young people, media and the general public will experience an alternative form of cultural heritage promotion, away from stereotypes and the political context given to it. In this way, it will bring people closer to each other without any prejudice. An added value will be the promotion of issues regarding urban mobility and environmental pollution.

The tour includes stopping and visiting various natural and cultural heritage sites in Kosovo. The tour is not a race and will give the cyclists the opportunity to cover the itinerary at their own pace, choosing to join or leave the tour at any time. The route has been designed in such a way to suit cyclists, regardless age, gender or physical condition. If you feel like using another type of non-motorized transport such as jogging, skating, horse riding, etc. please feel free to do so, for a part of or the whole trip.

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Sep 19 - 2011

Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites: Now available in Albanian

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Sep 27 - 2011

The Start of Tourism Training for "See You in Dukagjin"