Jul 16 - 2014

Inauguration of Kosovo database for cultural heritage

On 15 July 2014, at the Museum of Kosovo, Memli Krasniqi, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports has inaugurated the database of cultural heritage in Kosovo.

Database photo 1

In his speech, the Minister emphasized that: "This database is also a window to our country, to its rich past and history. Other than a possibility to be informed on our historic, cultural and religious monuments, on our traditions, customs, crafts, attire and other aspects of living, data presented in the database will also serve many researchers, historians, architects, archaeologists, ethnologists and other scholars. It also represents an additional opportunity for people around the world to get acquainted with our cultural heritage. As such, this database belongs to You, and to all those wishing to be informed on, and contribute to, cultural heritage.

Continuous enrichment of this database will be our main mission. To this end, we need to cooperate with all of you, in order to make cultural heritage the common point which connects us through its diversity. I wish to thank all those that contributed to the implementation of this important project, especially the United Kingdom Embassy in Kosovo, for its financial support, and Cultural Heritage Without Borders, for implementing the project. "

The project for the development of this database has been implemented by the Swedish Foundation of Cultural Heritage without Borders - CHwB (Kosovo office) and is made possible by the generous support of the British Embassy in Prishtina.

For the access to the database visit http://dtk.rks-gov.net/

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