Aug 21 - 2015

Interventions in two monuments in Gjakova are completed

In late July this year, emergency intervention works were completed in two cultural heritage monuments, located in the Municipality of Gjakova. The Kulla (vernacular house) of Hysen Hajdari and the house of Rexhep Qarri are now in service of their owners.

The Kulla of Hysen Hajdari in the village of Nivokaz is a protected historic building, according to List of Cultural Heritage under temporary protection of MCYS (no. 003496). The village of Nivokaz was once known as the village of Kullas, since it had dozens of them, which were unfortunately destroyed in the last war in Kosovo. The Kulla of Hysen Hajdari is one of the seldom Kullas that were saved from destruction and in terms of typology, it belongs to the group of stone Kullas with gallery. It is believed, that it was built at the beginning of the 19th century and since the building was inhabited until 1999 when abandoned by the families, which were relocated in a new house built in the courtyard of the Kulla. Since then the building has remained unused and without maintenance.

nivokaz 3nivokaz 2

The interventions carried out in the building included: cleaning the site in and out of from the litter and biological colonization; treatment of cracks in facades with lime mortar; removal of the secondary construction and partially of the primary construction of the roof; construction of the new structure of the roof by reusing the existing and undamaged roof beams and by inserting new Abies timber beams similar to existing ones; placement of new roof hydro insulation; covering the roof with "Mediterranean Tondach plus" new tiles; treatment of chimney with plasticized tin; treatment of damaged joints; and placement of 30 mm gravel layer in the floor.

nivokaz 4nivokaz 1

The house of Rexhep Qarri in the city of Gjakova is a protected historic building, according to List of Cultural Heritage under temporary protection of MCYS (no. 000845). Built in the 19th century, the house belongs to one of the families well known in Gjakova (Qarri), a family known not only for its cultural and patriotic values but also for craftsmanship (carpentry). The house belongs to the group of houses with gallery, guest room with decorated ceiling and the fireplace for heating the toilet that stand out as original elements that we encounter in a number of traditional old city houses.

qarri (1) qarri (6) gjakova2build (14)qarri (2)  qarri (3)

The interventions carried out in the building included: removal of the secondary construction and partially of the primary construction of the roof; construction of the new roof structure with ne 10 x 12 Abies timber beams and by reinforcing the primary construction with new Abies timber beams similar to existing ones; placement of new roof hydro insulation; covering the roof with "Mediterranean Tondach plus" new tiles; treatment of chimney with plasticized tin; treatment of cracks in facades with lime mortar and painting in white the east (main) facade and south (from the street) façade.

qarri (7)

These projects are part of priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of this municipality. This plan was drafted by CHwB, the Municipality of Gjakova and other central level institutions in the framework of the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans and co-financed by the Swedish government, through CHwB and the municipality of Gjakova.

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