Jul 29 - 2015

IXth Local Heritage Forum meetings held in 7 municipalities

From 21st to 24th of July 2015, regular 9th meetings of Local Forums of Cultural Heritage were held. These meetings were held within the framework of a four year program (2012-2015) of the Local Plans for Cultural Heritage carried out in seven municipalities of Kosovo. The meetings were led jointly by the program manager, Enes Toska and local coordinators in the municipalities of Dragash, Gjakova, Gjilan, Kaçanik, Parteš, Rahovec and Vushtrri.

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Local Forum of Cultural Heritage of Dragash

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Local Forum of Cultural Heritage of Gjakova

The main purpose of these meetings was the information of Forum members on the implementation process of the projects developed by Local Plans for Cultural Heritage of these municipalities during the first half of year 2015. During these meetings, through various presentations from CHwB staff and other partner organisations, the Forum members had a chance to receive all information regarding the projects that have been implemented and those being in the process. During these sessions, various questions, suggestions and discussions related to the projects were raised.

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Local Forum of Cultural Heritage of Gjilan

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Local Forum of Cultural Heritage of Kaçanik

Next topic on the agenda was providing information to all forum members about planning for the conclusion of a four-year program. Further, during the meeting they discussed about the sustainability of Local Cultural Heritage Forums established at the beginning of this program, in year 2012. The majority of present members agreed that Forums should continue to function even after the four-year program, giving that it represents a unique platform of the inter-institutional exchange in the field of cultural heritage in Kosovo.

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Local Forum of Cultural Heritage of Parteš

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Local Forum of Cultural Heritage of Rahovec

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Local Forum of Cultural Heritage of Vushtrri

Local Cultural Heritage Forums are the authors of Local Plans for Cultural Heritage in seven partner municipalities of CHwB. Each Forum consists of 20 members in total, were more than half of the members are from relevant municipalities, and the rest are representatives of central institutions, local authorities, international organisations and the civil society. The Forum’s four key roles within the framework of this four year program are: interagency communication and coordination; decision making bodies in drafting of the plans and setting the priorities; monitoring and supporting role on implementation of priorities emerged from the plans; and implementing partners on number of priorities emerged from the above said plans.

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Jul 29 - 2015

Join the Adventures in Preservation: Saving Kullas in Kosovo

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Jul 29 - 2015

Municipality of Gjilan defines heritage protective zones