Jun 06 - 2012

Join us in the 4th Beledije Training Course in Prizren “Management of Archaeological Sites” (25 June – 05 July 2012)

Protecting our Common European Heritage
Beledije – the 1st Regional Cultural Heritage Facility in the Balkans

Join us in the 4th Beledije Training Course in
Prizren (Kosovo)

“Management of Archaeological Sites”

(25 June – 05 July 2012) 

Apply by 18th of June 2012

The 4th Beledije Training Course is designed to Increase the capacity of technical personnel working in Cultural Heritage management; providing training and information in management tools such as legal, International Charters, scientific, ethnic, public, economic management aspects for planning development process.
The training will be focussed on:
•Identification, assessment and management of archaeological resources and their role in local governance and heritage planning systems of archaeological sites;
•integration approach for the protection and the use of Archaeological sites, upgrading the level of the management of cultural heritage, new business models for Culture,
•communication and new technologies for promoting and enhancing awareness on cultural heritage, encouraging and facilitating multidisciplinary work.
The 4th Beledije Training Course is addressed to Public servants from National departments/institutes, municipality staff, architects, urban planners, civil engineers, archaeologists, art historians, private companies and contractors working with cultural heritage. Students are part of this target group. The total number of selected applicants will not exceed 22.
Participants will follow a schedule combining theory with actual documentation works supervised by architects, urban planners and archaeologists on a vernacular monument in the historical city of Prizren. A study tour will be organized to Ulpiana and Hariljac.

Objective and purposes
The objective of the 4th Beledije Training Course is to ensure the development and sustainability of expertise in the field of management of archaeological sites. In this respect, the course purposes are to:
•Contribute to building a new and update approach on archaeological sites management and improving the understanding for participants from Western Balkans;
•Introduce mechanisms and appropriate tools for conservation, preservation, promotion and management of cultural heritage;
•Identify policies for preservation and integration of culture heritage into the local development;
•Promote sustainable management of heritage and its values and identify new economic models for local development
•Strengthen the role of local communities as active stakeholders by the identification of territorial cultural systems
•Identify communication and information tools for promoting and sharing knowledge.
Course structure
The 4th Beledije Training Course will provide the following modules:
Sustainable management of archaeological heritage
-Introduction to Management and Economics of Cultural Heritage
-The economic and social value of heritage
-Assessment of the economic value of cultural heritage
-Local governance and partnerships

Local and global frameworks for Heritage management;
National and International Policies for Archaeological site;
Integrated approach for the protection and the use of Archaeological sites
-Planning the Archaeological Sites management: research, analysis, survey and understanding a site;
Diagnosis and planning for conservation: degradation and destruction
-Methods and effective conservation strategies for archaeological sites
-Principles and practices for conservation;
Efficiency and Effectiveness in Heritage management
-Conservation and valorisation methods as well as the reconstruction of ruins: principles and practices
-Management of Archaeological Collections;
Cultural Heritage as a lever to spun development
-Heritage as an asset for Local development
-Development of the Territorial Cultural Systems;

Cultural heritage presentation – Interpretation and communication of Cultural Heritage
-Heritage Communication and New technologies

Course locations
•Prizren, Kosovo
•Ulpiana and Hariljac
Allowances and Accommodation
Daily allowances will cover meals and accommodation. Participants will stay in Prizren with transport provided to Ulpiana and Hariljac for the study tour.
Documents required for application

•Signed Application Form through e-mail
•CV (indicating relevant experience in cultural heritage)
•Motivation letter (maximum one page describing main skills, motivation, expectations from the course, plan to apply and share the knowledge to be acquired)
•Signed letter of support from a supervisor confirming leave of absence from work for the duration of the course

All applicants should send their applications by Monday 18th of June 2012 at 16.00.
The course language is English, and all applications should be submitted in English.
You can download the application form for the 4th Beledije Prizren training program at:
Application process
All documents and other information must be submitted by e-mail to
[email protected]
The results of the application process will be announced on the 21st of June 2012, leaving participants time to prepare for the two-week course. Participants should reach Prizren on 24 June, latest by 17.00. Lectures will begin on 25 of June, 2012.
The “Beledije Certificate” will reward the participants who will pass the final assessment.
This is an event you will regret missing!

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Jun 06 - 2012

The Regional Tourism Center n’Dukagjin inauguration

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Jun 09 - 2012

Study visit of the representatives of Junik, Pejë/Pec and Deçan/Decane municipalities to Albania