Apr 22 - 2016

Inauguration of partial conservation and revitalization of the Kaçanik Castle

On 21th of April 2016 was inaugurated the project of partial conservation and revitalization of Kaçanik Castle. This inauguration was done in the presence of Besim Ilazi, mayor of Kaçanik, Annika Magnusson, general secretary of CHwB in Sweden, Sali Shoshi Head of CHwB in Kosovo and Mirnije Stublla, program officer of the Swedish Embassy in Prishtina.


The elaboration of the project and implementation of works was carried out by CHwB office in Kosovo in the period January 2015 - April 2016. The first phase of the project, was the partial conservation of the monument, respectively these interventions: cleaning and storage of biological colonization, preserving the structure of the walls, the treatment of joints with lime mortar and leveling the wall with lime mortar and putting the hydro-insulation layer. In the second phase, was done the partial revitalization of the Castle area: securing the castle through the protective railings and entrance doors, installation of pedestrian trails, marking the monument with information and interpretive boards and lighting the area of structure walls.


The partial conservation and revitalization project of Kaçanik Castle has been part of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of this municipality. This plan was drafted by CHwB, Municipality of Kaçanik and other central institutions within the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plan (2012-2015) and is co-financed by the Swedish government, through CHwB and the Municipality of Kacanik.

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Apr 22 - 2016

New grant promoting intangible heritage of Parteš/Partesh

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Apr 25 - 2016

Closing Conference of the Local Cultural Heritage Plans program (2012-15)