Apr 15 - 2014

Local cultural traditions of Dragash/Dragaš municipality celebrated

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The pehlivans’ (traditional oil wrestling) and horseback riding tournaments, as well as the traditional fair of Dragash Municipality have been organized on 15th and 16th of June 2013. With the presence of more than 5.000 attendees and with over 60 contenders of these traditional sport disciplines from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo, after a half-decade, rich local cultural tradition of this southernmost municipality of Kosovo are being revived. The project was implemented by the Department for Culture, Youth and Sports of the Municipality of Dragash and NGO Natyra with the support of other partners

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This project was one of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Dragash. This priority was identified in the framework of the Local Cultural Heritage Plans Programme 2012-2015 compiled by CHwB, Dragash municipality and other central level institutions, funded by Sweden. For more information about the Local Cultural Heritage Plans Programme 2012-2015 click here.


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Apr 15 - 2014

Swedish Ambassador for Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania visited CHwB projects

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Apr 18 - 2014

Awards given for the logo of the eastern region of Kosovo