Mar 23 - 2015

Local heritage in the agenda of the Children Song Festival

"Lyra Fest", an activity already proven in the nationwide cultural scene, especially in the field of music for children, has gathered children, singers, composers, orchestra, text writers, dancers and instrumentalists from the best and brightest in the Albanian speaking regions, whose joint work has made this edition to be the best one organized so far.

The nationwide festival of children's song "Lyra Fest" that was held on 15 November 2014 in Gjakova has a competitive character, where children from 6 to 13 years old compete. There were 18 competitive songs, which gathered participants from the different cities of Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and the diaspora.

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In the final evening, all festival attendees were liked and applauded by the public. First place went to Xhesika Zalla and Florinda Barushi, the second to Koela and Eldi Troshupa, the third place to Jona Zeneli, the public price went to Arlind Lamaxhema and the best debutant was Erion Dula.

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Thanks to the support CHwB has given to this festival, in this edition were also organized several additional activities for children, such as the visit of children to the cultural heritage sites of the city of Gjakova. This visit has impressed children and parents and was considered amongst the most attractive parts of the festival. In addition to that, folk dance groups performed at the festival as part of the spiritual heritage of the city of Gjakova.

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The project is implemented by the NGO "Neo Musica" and was part of the "Days of Culture in Gjakova" held during 2014 and is co-financed by CHwB Kosovo, the municipality of Gjakova and other partners. This project was identified within the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Gjakova, which was developed in the framework of Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2012-2015 in 7 different municipalities of Kosovo.

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Restoration of the St. Demetrius temple in the village of Sušica

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Mar 23 - 2015

Heritage brings together children of two different communities