Sep 10 - 2011

Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites: Now available in Albanian



Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites
Feilden, B.M.; Jokilehto, J.
Rome: ICCROM, 2nd ed, 1998; XI + 137 p.
ISBN: 92-9077-150-X; language: ENG

In 10 chapters, this concise publication gives an overview of management issues related to World Cultural Heritage sites and, by extension, other heritage sites of any sort. Topics include: summary of the guiding principles; general policy of the World Heritage Convention; evaluation for conservation; management of World Heritage sites; management by resource projects; maintenance programme; staffing and personnel services; treatments and authenticity; urban planning and World Heritage towns, visitors to World Heritage sites. It is also available in French.

The authorised Albanian language version of this publication is available from the Downloads section of this website, or pick up a printed copy at the CHwB office in Prishtina.

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Sep 10 - 2011

Publication of 7 Integrated Conservation Projects in Junik Municipality COMING SOON!

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Sep 19 - 2011

Hop on your bicycle and join Tour de Culture 2011 on September 25th, next Sunday!