Jan 30 - 2015

Local Heritage Forum meetings of 7 municipalities are held


Starting from the date of 21st to 24th of December regular 8th meetings of Local Forums of Cultural Heritage were held. These meetings where held within the framework of a four year program (2012-2015) of the Local Plans for Cultural Heritage in seven municipalities of Kosovo. The meetings were led jointly by the program manager, Enes Toska and local coordinators in the municipalities of Dragash, Gjakova, Gjilan, Kaçanik, Parteš, Rahovec and Vushtrri.

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The main purpose of these meetings was the information of Forum members on the implementation process of the projects developed by Local Plans for Cultural Heritage of partner municipalities. During these meetings, through various presentations, the members had a chance to receive all information regarding the projects that have been implemented in their municipalities. During these sessions, various questions, suggestions and disscusions related to the projects were raised.

forum 8 2Within the meeting agenda, the participants showed a great interest on the lecture held by Prof. Shqipe Nixha from the University of Prishtina, where she held an interesting presentation on “Sustainable Conservation Practises in Cultural Heritage of Kosovo - Challenges and opportunities”. This presentation was mainly focused in challenges of cultural heritage in Kosovo, concentrating more in the specific treatment of Graet Hammam in Prishtina, former “Union” hotel in Prishtina and “Hidroelektrana”(Hydropower plant) in Prizren.

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In several meeting sessions, from the CHwB Kosovo office, Dukagjin Bakija presented the bed and breakfast project in the village of Velika Hoča in Rahovec and other projects financed by the Europian Union “Welcome in Dukagjin” and “See you in Dukagjin”; Senat Haliti has shared his experience in the restoration project of the Vushtrri Castle; while Enes Toska has presented  the CHwB’s approach in the program of emergency intervention and the documentary of the traditional Karadak dances.

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Local Cultural Heritage Forums are authors of Local Plans for Cultural Heritage in seven partner municipalities. Each Forum consists of 20 members in total, were more than half of the members are from local authorities and civil society of relevant municipalities, and the rest are the representatives of central institutions and international organisations. The Forum’s main roles within the framework of this four year program are: 1. Platform of interagency communication and coordination (2012-2015); 2. Decision making bodies in drafting the plans and setting the priorities (2012); 3. Monitoring and supporting role on implementation of priorities emerged from the plans (2013-2015); and 4. Implementing partners on number of priorities emerged from the same plans (2013-2015).

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Jan 30 - 2015

Interventions in the city library are now completed

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Jan 30 - 2015

Humour tradition in Gjakova presented through Komedia Fest