Jun 05 - 2019


For 12 days, throughout lectures conducted by international and national renowned professors and experts as well as practical work coordinated by experienced craftsmen, students will be part of the preservation of cultural heritage by implementing the methods and techniques learned throughout the workshop.

Meet the Lecturers of the Workshop

Valya Stergioti

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Valya Stergioti was born in Athens, in 1972. After completing her studies in the Economic University of Athens (BA in Economics), she worked for 3 years for WWF Greece, at the Dadia National Park project. She completed her MSc in Environmental Decision Making at the Open University, focusing on heritage interpretation.

She has been working on non-formal education for kids for more than 20 years and has organized and implemented educational projects on a wide variety of subjects, for different institutions. Furthermore, she has published a book for children and has written several articles for teachers and for kids about education and the environment.

On December 2013 she got certified as Interpretive Planner by the National Association for Interpretation, whilst on October 2017 she became a Certified Interpretive Writer by Interpret Europe. She evaluated the efficiency of the Visitors Centres in two different National Parks, in Greece (2004) and made another research to evaluate and propose ways to improve the visitors’ experience in Evros Delta National Park, for WWF Greece (2008).

She has expanded upon this occupation since 1999 to include adult training in heritage interpretation, with long-term collaborations (Interpret Europe – the European Association for Heritage Interpretation, the Heritage Management Organisation, the Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos – MedINA, the Mayopolski Instytut Kultury, the Mediterranean Centre for the Environment, Alexandroupolis Secondary School for Adults, the Greek Guide Association,) workshops, and active participation at conferences in Greece and abroad.

In the last 5 years, as Certified Interpretive Trainer of Interpret Europe, she focused on heritage interpretive training in Greece and other countries in Europe (Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Albania, Croatia). Participants of these trainings are professionals dealing with interpreting natural and cultural heritage through formal or non-formal education. Furthermore, as Training Coordinator of that same organisation, she is responsible for a team of 22 certified trainers from all over Europe, aiming to develop, organise and promote IE’s interpretive training programme throughout our continent. This programme consists of courses on Interpretive Planning, Writing, Guiding, Hosting, Training and Live Interpretation.

In 2012 she founded Alli Meria (meaning Other Side), a team of Greek professionals aiming in promoting heritage interpretation in Greece and the Balkans.

Maja Grgurić 

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Maja Grgurić finished her studies in archaeology at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. During her studies she was especially interested in zooarchaeology so she took a course in Domestic animals anthropology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb. She did her further specialization at the Institute for Quaternary paleontology and geology of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. Also, during her studies, she worked on numerous archaeological excavation sites, in Croatia and abroad. International excavation projects include archaeological research in Caune de l’ Arago site in France (Centre Europeen de Recherches Prehistoriques, Tautavel) and archaeological field and lab work on the site Cueva del Miron in Spain (Universidad de Cantabria and University of New Mexico, Ramales de la Victoria). She worked as a freelance archaeologist until 2012. when she started working in Vektra d.o.o., a private company specialized in geodesy, geoinformatics and spatial data management. There she specialized in various surveying techniques, such as 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry, used in recording cultural heritage buildings, monuments and sites, as well as data processing methods. From 2015. she worked again as a freelance archaeologist specialized in documenting archaeological sites, until 2016. when she got a position at the Depatment of archaeology, University of Zadar as an archaeological documentarist, where she is employed today. In 2017. she participated in CIPA Heritage Summer School in Phafos, Cyprus where she got a photogrammetry, 3D laser scanning and data management certificate. The next year she helped to organize and coordinate the same summer school in Zadar, Croatia. Today she spends almost 6 months a year on various archaeological excavations projects working on data acquisition and data processing.

Ante Uglešić

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ANTE UGLEŠIĆ, is a Professor, Dr. h.c., and he teaches several courses on mediaeval archaeology at the University of Zadar. He studied Archaeology and History at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar and he completed postgraduate studies “Cultural history of the Eastern Adriatic Coast” with the Zagreb’s Interuniversity Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Dubrovnik, where he obtained his Master’s degree. During 1995 he attended a study period at the Rome Department of German Archaeological Institute. In 1997, he defended PhD dissertation entitled “The Presence of Eastern Goths in South-eastern Europe in the Context of Archaeological and Historical Sources”.

Since 2002 he has also taught at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Mostar. Within the CEEPUS programme, he acted as a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy in Ljubljana and was also engaged at the doctoral study of the Faculty of Humanities of the Univesity of Primorska. He is a visiting professor at the Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Biomedicine and Health at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University’s Faculty of Medicine in Osijek, as well as at the Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Croatian Culture at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. As a mentor, he participates in the work of the Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb. He also taught at the Higher School of Theology in Zadar. He is engaged on the university study of forensics on University Department for Forensic Sciences of the University of Split. He is one of the founders of the DAAAM International Doctoral School.

He was a Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar in three mandates.  He actively participated in the re-founding of the University of Zadar, and from February 2003 to September 2007 he acted as Vice Rector of the University. From October 2007 to September 2015 he has acted as Rector of the University of Zadar. Currently, he is the Head of the Department of Archaeology of the University of Zadar. Also, he is the Head of the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Mostar (BiH).

In 2017, he has been elected as Executive Vice President of DAAAM International Vienna.

He was awarded with several international and Croatian awards, the most important of which is Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria (Great Gold Medal). He is also awarded with Charter and medal for the growth and development of the University of Mostar, Annual award of County of Zadar for scientific work, „Stjepan Bulić“ Charter for scientific work about establishing historical facts in the field of olive cultivation, etc.

Zana Rama

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Zana Rama is an archeologist at the Archeological Institute of Kosovo. She graduated from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, major in Archaeology and History of Art. After obtaining a master degree in Archaeology in 2013 from the National University of Galway in Ireland, she served as an Officer for Integrated Management of Cultural Heritage in the Ministry of Culture in Kosovo for 3 years. Currently, she is the head archeologist at the archeological site of Marec. For more than 10 years she has been a key contributor in advancement of cultural heritage. She also served as a consultant for cultural heritage for local and international organizations.


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Jun 05 - 2019

Meet the Mentors of the fourth edition of Heritage Space

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Jun 10 - 2019