Apr 03 - 2017

Mentors of the second edition of Heritage Space

Five mentors offer their expertise in the second edition of Heritage Space. Find out more about their expectations from this call!

1. Adaption of historic buildings

Nol Binakaj – Architect and cultural heritage expert

Every day we are more and more agreeing that conservation of historic buildings, is the main element with economic, social and cultural impact in the community. Preservation of any significant building requires a coordination of the principles of conservation and sustainable design.

Reuse of buildings is a best alternative towards demolition, taking into account saving the resources and creating minimal waste to be treated.

The participants of the platform Heritage Space are expected to have creative ideas for reuse of historic buildings, use of space through attractive scenarios through the use of durable materials, with focus on meeting the needs of the community.

2. Video making

Veton Nurkollari – Curator and artistic director of documentary film festival “DokuFest”

What do I expect from you?

A basic knowledge of cultural heritage as well as for video media is a prerequisite to developing creative ideas, so invest a little time in them before applying.

Do not limit your ideas only to buildings or objects, cultural heritage is much more than that. Feel free to ask, maybe a relative of yours can tell you some interesting story about the neighborhood threatened by construction, the former cinema where your parents have spent beautiful moments, the fountain, mill or the favorite food which your grandmother made once, which your father misses so much today.

Also, do not worry much about how these ideas will be transformed into a movie or short video, I will gladly guide you through this journey. You will consult with me, we will look at films together and I will try to provide solutions to any problem that may occur in the meantime, both aesthetic and narrative but also technical ones.

What I expect from you is to be open-minded, motivated and willing to invest your time and energy into the project. Others are not so important.

3. Interpretation (Storytelling)

Jeton Jagxhiu – Graphic designer

“Talk by fingers”

Tell me an experience you had with a friend. Tell a story related to your roots.

Narrate about your beginnings of your love, your origin of fear, greed, place you live, escapes and turnback’s, genetic heritage, the place you live, earliest memory, most beautiful dream, money you have in your pocket, shame, the revenge you plan to take, the moment you discovered the gender, your invention, flies, first step to moon, your hidden button, shakes, sin and other things that for one reason of another you never had a chance to talk about.

Don’t be scared, my friend. Start from your house or the city, tell us from yesterday of anyhow. You can narrate orally or by writing. You may take pictures, or illustrate in strips, draw in a napkin, you might even sing. If you don’t know any way, that talk by fingers.

But please, don’t lie too much.

I will be your mentor for the conception of drool and I expect to learn something from you. Other details of the Project can be found in the web page of CHwB.

4. Information technology

Milot Shala – Software engineer

We are living in one of the most beautiful and historical countries, with rich cultural heritage. Although time has changed and we are living in a digital age with everything being digitalized and content is now available throughout digital hubs such as YouTube, in an app or as a VR experience. Our cultural heritage is very precious to us with CHwB’s Heritage Space is one way to help us get recognized and provide something that will both impress visitors from around the world, but at the same time, also impress ourselves.

We want to provide something for our country and our cultural heritage that is interactive, cool and useful. Today we have access to various APIs and SDKs that we can develop a lot of things based on different technologies such as Google Maps and Daydream VR, we have SDKs available for different platforms targeting millions of devices and users.

If you want to be part of something big and learn new things from both experts in the software industry and interact with other creative folks like you, join Heritage Space and be amazed by what you can create.

5. Fashion design

Flutura Dedinja - Fashion designer

Clothes have lost their values! Let’s return those values .

Once loom never stopped. The imagination of knitting has progressed much more ... The technology of fabrics has advanced a lot ... And now we are following trends, somehow same as all the world!

It is good to go back and see our tradition and culture, that are full of creativity. I don’t know whether you've noticed that we have a nostalgia for our parents’ clothes. Our pulse changes when we see something beautiful, made by our grandmother. Even more, if we see something much older than our grandmother and ancestors...

We can’t invent hot water! Still, there is room for something new, something we will bequeath to our daughter or son’s wife. They, will give it to their nephews. Heritage is wealth. You show your roots not only with buildings but also with clothes.

Let’s create something beautiful and worthy – bequeath something to somebody. Let’s make cultural heritage even wealthier. Because this work does not stop.

Along with me, be part of this project of CHwB Kosova.

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Apr 03 - 2017

“Heritage Space is an inspiration…”

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Apr 03 - 2017

Call for application – Second edition of Heritage Space