Jul 29 - 2015

Municipality of Gjilan defines heritage protective zones

By the autumn of this year, the works on drafting protective zones of buildings and sites of cultural and natural heritage in Municipality of Gjilan is expected to be finalized, including here defining the borders of historical core of the city of Gjilan.

Municipality of Gjilan, as well as many other municipalities in Kosovo, is rich in values of cultural and natural heritage. Nowadays, it faces rather difficulties, such as in preservation and protection of these assets (whilst the danger of further degradation remains yet high), likewise in terms of usage of these values for the benefit of community development, in particular, as well as economic development of municipality, in general. Accordingly, the need for strategic and priority access to these values is urgent, as the government efforts at central and local levels, including herein civil society engagement in the achievement of consolidated public-private partnership.

Foto Tuma I - K.Luci MK - 1980 pogrgja kajmekam pozheran

Some of the cultural heritage values of the Municipality of Gjilan (from top left): Illyrian tumulus necropolis of Vllashtica, Pogragja Castle, former Governor's Seat, house of Isak Pozharan (Photos: Database of cultural heritage of Kosovo - http: / /dtk.rks-gov.net)

The project "Development of the protective zones for buildings and sites of cultural and natural heritage of the Municipality of Gjilan" resumed in mid-2014 and aims on integration, presentation and spatial extent of the cultural and natural heritage buildings and sites of Municipality Gjilan, all these included in a single document. These protective zones around the perimeter of the cultural and natural heritage assets will be determined in accordance with legal provisions on force.

For the purpose of the project needs, a working group comprised of representatives from central and local level was established and with whom number of joint workshops were held. The research part of the project has used Geographical Information System (GIS), a system that will facilitate the future process of updating the information regarding these values. Finally, the document is planned to be delivered to the institutions of central and local level for the treatment of emerged recommendations.

[caption id="attachment_5050" align="alignnone" width="604"]Berthama - Copy Draft zoning of cultural heritage monuments in the city center[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_5049" align="alignnone" width="604"]Monumentet Natyrore te GJilanit Draft analysis of natural heritage sites[/caption]

This project is part of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of this municipality. This plan was drafted by CHwB, the Municipality of Gjilan and other central level institutions in the framework of the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans and is co-financed by the Sweden, through CHwB and the Municipality of Gjilan.

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Jul 29 - 2015

IXth Local Heritage Forum meetings held in 7 municipalities

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Aug 11 - 2015

DRP "Old city centre - Rahovec" is being finalised