Apr 08 - 2016

New grant promoting intangible heritage of Parteš/Partesh

Kosovo Foundation for Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB Kosovo) on 25th March 2016 has signed a new grant contract for the project "Glavičica Etno Fest" with the Community Development Fund (CDF) under the USAID funded project: Advancing Kosovo Together – Local Solutions (AKT – LS).Untitled-1

The project will contribute to the increasing of the youth non-formal education regarding the diversity of cultural heritage of Kosovo, including empowering women representatives in Parteš/Partesh municipality through cultural tourism activities. Overall, the project will enhance promotion of local cultural and natural heritage of Parteš/Partesh. Various sets of activities will be organized around "Glavičica Etno Fest" aiming to establish this festival as a traditional festival in this municipality.

For detailed project description click here.

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Apr 08 - 2016

Three CHwB projects featured in HERITAGE COUNTS publication

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Apr 22 - 2016

Inauguration of partial conservation and revitalization of the Kaçanik Castle