Oct 27 - 2014

Ongoing works on three sites of Cultural Emergency Program

Emergency intervention works are nowadays being implemented in the Library of Hivzi Sylejmani in Prishtina and Mejtep of Haxhi Ymeri in Gjakova, whereas intervention works in the Bridge of Terzi in the village of Bishtazhin of Gjakova Municipality are about to start.PCF update 1

The building of the city library ‘Hivzi Sylejmani’ dates from 1930 and is still in use for the community as a public library. Despite of being an architectural monument, it was subject of deterioration due to the lack of maintenance, weathering conditions and wrong treatments.  The intervention works started in the 23rd of September and are expected to be finished in the end of October 2014.

Since the building was damaged due to the rising damp, the French drains were installed and the foundations were insulated so that the moisture does not penetrate in the building. Despite the rising damp, the building was also subject of penetrating damp from the roof. The timber construction of the roof was treated, it was insulated and new flat tiles (the same type as the original ones) were provided. In addition, the new guttering system was provided as the original one was very damaged and blocked. Since the moisture penetrated inside the building, interior walls were also plastered and painted.

PCF update 2

The current pink color of the building was added in an earlier restoration, sometime after 2000. The facades are now being painted in the original ocher color. In addition to that, the damaged parts of external windows and doors are to be soon treated. Finally, the railing columns are being produced based on the damaged original ones.

PCF update 3The religious school, Mejtep of Haxhi Ymeri dates from the 18th century and is an architectural monument, located in the centre of the city of Gjakova. Since the building was not used for a long time, it lacked of maintenance and was subject of degradation due to vandalism, age, weathering conditions and wrong treatments. The intervention works have started in the beginning of October and are expected to be finished in the end of November 2014.

The building was damaged to to the penetrating damp from rainfalls, thus the timber construction of the roof as well as the canopy were treated. In addition to that the chimney in the back façade was totally rebuilt in the original state. The roof will be insulated and covered with the same traditional hollow tiles. In addition to that, rising damp is being eliminated by the installment of French drains and insulation of the foundations.

The facades will be rendered with adobe mortar and the wooden frames of the main façade will be treated and repainted. The static problems in the interior will be solved by reinstatement of a timber column.

PCF update 4Now that the permit was gotten from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports for the emergency interventions in the Bridge of Terzi, the implementation works are about to start. The interventions are focused mainly in the consolidation of the left buttress of the main vault, treatment of the lower part of the sole of the main vault, treatment of the pavement and the side wall at the entrance of the bridge from the east side (direction to Prizren) and the removal of biological colonization.

These projects are part of Cultural Emergency Response program for three cultural heritage sites in Kosovo, financed by Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development in partnership with Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) Kosovo office. For more detailed information regarding the program click here.

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Oct 27 - 2014

Celebration of traditional food held in Ferizaj

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Oct 28 - 2014

Emergency intervention on Xhafer Deva's house in Mitrovica