Jul 10 - 2014

Open HOUSE & STUDIO at Vushtrri Castle

CHwB organized Open House & Studio at the Vushtrri Castle during Pristina Architecture Week 


With numerous activities such as lectures, workshops, exhibitions, screenings and competitions Prishtina Architecture Week (PAW) turned Kosovo into a regional exchange hub for methodologies, experience, architectural and urban experimentation.

This year the PAW theme was “The City”, where number of renowned architects and planners from around the world showcased their innovative concepts and work tackling the numerous problems of today’s contemporary city. Among these activities, CHwB Kosovo office organised an Open House and Open Studio for PAW participants. On July 3, 2014, in the presence of more than 60 visitors at the revitalized Vushtrri Castle, CHwB work in Kosovo over the years was presented, with special focus on project Preservation and Protection of Vushtrri Castle.


Prishtina Architecture Week is an annual event organized by the Kosovo Architecture Foundation in close partnership with the Municipality of Prishtina. Its main objective is to present to the local architecture community and the general public the contemporary theories and methodologies in the field of architecture and urban planning.unnamed

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Jul 10 - 2014

New grant from Prince Claus Fund for saving three monuments

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Jul 16 - 2014

Inauguration of Kosovo database for cultural heritage